Newcastle Gold Ltd.

Operating Gold Mines - Quebec & Peru Canadian Gold Producer with significant GOLD Reserves
Peter said...

Hi Guys,

I just wanted to say, things have really gotten out of hand here, and I'm not talking about CMM Management or their accounting dept. I'm talking about CMM shareholders, or those who post on the SH Boards, claiming to own shares. This current situation is a little bump on the road. It's not a big deal. I knew the stock would be halted once they were late. This is normal, and those are the rules. The Venture figures that without financials, private individuals don’t have accurate information on the company, and can’t make informed purchases, so they halt trading. This will take a few days, maybe even weeks, but it doesn’t change the fundamental value of the business. Because were late filing, the gold doesn’t evaporate, or drill results change. I have a substantial investment in CMM, and of course I can’t trade it, and it’s an inconvenience, but those are the rules, and we all play by them. It happened to a few stocks I owned, and in one recent case, the stock took off as soon as trading was reinstated. Calling management incompetent without knowing the facts is a useless endeavor, and I also think unfair. To say, “This is unacceptable” is rubbish. You have no choice but to accept it. Just my opinion, but I really think it’s nothing to get up about!

And bad mouthing Peter isn’t fair either. The truth is, they will be finished when they are finished, and asking a guy when he thinks they will be finished, and then bashing him about it after the fact, is classic “GOT YA” journalism. They were setting him up to fail. They wanted a definite answer, when there wasn’t one.

I am a long (but I cannot say suffering, considering it closed at 76 cents) shareholder.

This will pass, and instantly become ancient history as we move forward. And, in spite of this cease trade order, we are moving forward. Work is still being down. Gold is still be mined and poured.

Luck to the other longs here

Rgds Pete

May 13, 2010 11:33 AM

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