New Guinea Gold

New Guinea Gold is the next big gold producer New Gold Producer in Papua New Guinea with approx 1 million ozs in gold equivilant resources, and targets exceeding 5 millions ozs

New Guinea Gold drills 114 g/t Au over 2 m at Sinivit

2009-08-10 11:33 ET - News Release

Mr. Bob McNeil reports


"Reverse circulation and diamond core drilling continues to yield high-grade intersections which enhance the property," said New Guinea Gold Corp.'s chairman Bob McNeil.

In the Central gold zone within the proposed Central Pit, one RC hole yielded 10 metres at 24.3 grams per tonne gold including a two m interval at 114 g/t gold. Diamond core testing of the Eastern vein suggests this zone may be disrupted by faults. Hole 09WDD129 intersected a wide high-grade zone of 9.8 m at 13.3 g/t gold including 3.0 m at 24.1 g/t gold and 1.5 m at 22.9 g/t gold.

All results from this phase of drilling are shown in the table together with location data.

                                                     Cut-off grade
Hole No.     From      To   Length    Gold   Copper           gold
               (m)     (m)      (m)   (g/t)    (g/t)          (g/t)

09WDD129     2.50   12.30     9.80   13.30     8010            1.0
including    3.50    6.50     3.00   24.10      150           20.0
including    9.50   11.00     1.50   22.90     5480           20.0
09WDD130    11.90   13.40     1.50    0.57     1110            1.0
            31.40   32.90     1.50    0.50     1420            1.0
09WDD131    No assays greater than 0.5 g/t
09WDD132    No assays greater than 0.5 g/t
09WDD133    No assays greater than 0.5 g/t
Hole No.     From      To   Length   Gold    Cu   gold
               (m)     (m)      (m)  (g/t)  (g/t) (g/t)

CGC0149         0       6        6   1.25    365   0.5
CGC0150     No assays greater than 0.5 g/t
CGC0151        12      14        2   1.21    142   1.0
CGC0152     No assays greater than 0.5 g/t
CGC0153     No assays greater than 0.5 g/t
CGC0154     No assays greater than 0.5 g/t
CGC0155         8      10        2   1.29    302   1.0   
CGC0156         4       6        2   0.86    159   0.5
CGC0157         2       4        2   2.28    141   2.0
CGC0158    No assays greater than 0.5 g/t
CGC0159    No assays greater than 0.5 g/t
CGC0160        26      28        2   0.58     39   0.5
CGC0161    No assays greater than 0.5 g/t
CGC0162    No assays greater than 0.5 g/t
CGC0163    No assays greater than 0.5 g/t
CGC0164         2       4        2   1.19    128   1.0
                8      10        2   1.84    352   1.5
CGC0165    No assays greater than 0.5 g/t
CGC0166         0       6        6   2.27    317   0.5
including       0       4        4   3.13    181   3.0
CGC0167    No assays greater than 0.5 g/t
CGC0168    No assays greater than 0.5 g/t
CGC0169         2      10        8   1.40     86   0.5
including       8      10        2   2.45     98   2.0
CGC0170         6      10        4   0.94    385   0.5
CGC0171    No assays greater than 0.5 g/t
CGC0172    No assays greater than 0.5 g/t
CGC0173         0       6        6   0.74    201   0.5
CGC0174    No assays greater than 0.5 g/t
CGC0175    No assays greater than 0.5 g/t
CGC0176    No assays greater than 0.5 g/t
CGC0177         2       4        2   0.93    135   0.5
CGC0178    No assays greater than 0.5 g/t
CGC0179         8      12        4   0.64    171   0.5
CGC0180         2       8        6   5.48    164   0.5
including       2       6        4   7.85    113   5.0
CGC0181         2       4        2   0.75    155   0.5
CGC0182         2       6        4   1.02     85   0.5
CGC0183        10      12        2   0.71  11300   0.5
CGC0184        26      30        4   0.89   2540   0.5
CGC0185        24      28        4   1.09    385   0.5
CGC0186    No assays greater than 0.5 g/t
CGC0187        26      30        4   4.32   7783   1.0
CGC0188        24      30        6   4.19    331   2.0
CGC0189        26      28        2   1.43    697   0.5
CGC0190        24      28        4   0.90   5104   0.5
CGC0191        18      28       10  24.30    638   1.0
including      20      22        2 114.00    790 100.0
CGC0192        20      22        2   1.27   1520   1.0
               24      30        6   2.31    882   0.5
including      24      26        2   4.96    878   4.0
CGC0193        16      26       10   4.65    704   1.0
including      16      22        6   6.60    634   4.0
including      18      20        2  10.70    797  10.0
CGC0194         8      12        4   1.81   2841   1.0
               18      20        2   1.01    420   1.0
               22      26        4   0.55   1834   0.5
CGC0195        14      16        2   1.40    380   1.0
               18      24        6   1.44    979   1.0
CGC0196    No assays greater than 0.5 g/t
CGC0197    No assays greater than 0.5 g/t
CGC0198         8      12        4   0.73     82   0.5
               18      22        4   0.93   1511   0.5
including      18      20        2   1.19   2470   1.0
               24      26        2   1.07    287   1.0
CGC0199         2       4        2   0.54    457   0.5
                8      10        2   0.77    261   0.5
CGC0200         4       6        2   0.58    191   0.5
               10      22       12   1.93    682   0.3
including      10      14        4   3.05     54   0.5
including      16      22        6   1.71   1047   1.0
CGC0201         4      10        6   1.51    957   0.5
               24      26        2   0.58   4690   0.5
CGC0202        10      14        4   0.63    190   0.5
               24      28        4   1.15   4180   0.5

All RC samples are partly prepared at site by splitting to 500 grams. Further preparation and analysis are completed at accredited laboratory, ALS Chemex laboratories, in Townsville, Queensland, Australia.

Drill core is logged and split (all by saw) on site with half core being dispatched to, and assayed by accredited laboratory ALS-Chemex in Townsville, Australia.

The information in this release was prepared under the direction of Robert D. McNeil, a fellow of the Australia Institute of Mines and Metallurgy and a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101. Mr. McNeil has read and approves the information contained herein. Full details of the Sinivit project are described in an independent NI 43-101 report dated January, 2006, which is available at the company's website.

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