
Welcome To The Mannkind HUB On AGORACOM Edit this title from the Fast Facts Section
in response to Bankerman100's message

Bankerman100 : Thank you for your kind words and "caution" reminder about this open forum. I guess that over time I have come to feel pretty confident of the sentiments of most of the posters who have migrated here from Yahoo. Many of the LONGS here have been through a lot of the same "highs & lows" here with me over a period of years. Perhaps I only assume a type of "bond" or "brotherhood" existing between us that you and/or others do not experience. A few others here have shared insights into their personal lives and financial situations over the years, and I elected to do the same.

This investment has not been like ANY other I have ever been involved with in the past. I have never risked so much in a single securities investment in my life. I have never respected, admired and trusted in a company C.E.O. to the extent that I do Alfred Mann, either ! This particular investment (in my OPINION) is a life changing MEGA-BLOCKBUSTER in the process of evolving. Right or wrong, I have elected to "go with my gut" on this issue, and it transcends all rational, conventional investment theory. The announcement of this latest "shelf" filing has served only to strengthen my faith in our eventual success.

As a result of this "confidence boost", (and my interpretation of it's significance) I am in the process of negotiations that will result in a great deal more liquidity in my circumstances. If successful in my endeavors, it is my intention to substantially increase my already substantial position in MNKD stock. I will ultimately be proved right or wrong, HERO or ZERO in a huge fashion, lol. If successful, my days of speculation will be over and my family will live within the means provided by the monthly income of the "Lifetime Trust" that MNKD profits will provide for us. If I'm wrong, I will try to get a couple of jobs and work my ass off to my dying day. Simple, huh ? GO MNKD ! GO MR. MANN !

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