jerginsa's Profile

jerginsa's Posts

Hello ? ( echo, echo, echo ....)

Everybody leave here for good ? Anybody still around ?

about 11 years ago
Congratulations All Longs !

Another giant step forward ! Predictable, but now a FACT. No time now for speculation & posturing anymore by potential partners. Results are in and announced. Everyone who has been in these "ongoing negotiations " for years has had ample time to do the math.

Yes, the label will make a big difference in the numbers, however, it is time for one of them to "step up " and "lock down " the future of this product with a significant committment. I am very happy for all you "die-hard" longs who have suffered along with me for many years to get to this point in time.

I am very proud to be associated with Dr. Mann, MNKD and YOU guys/gals in even a small capacity as a shareholder. Longterm plans to hold and accumulate shares. Looking forward to ever increasing quarterly sales figures and continuous escalation of share price over the next few years as a direct result . GO MNKD ! GO DR. MANN !

about 11 years ago
Careful2invest (OT)

Hi ! Thanks for the affirmation about Atlantis ! I have enjoyed that resort several times since it opened, and my wife & kids loved it too when I took them ! On one trip, my original room accomodations were very modest....until I hit a $20,000.00 jackpot on a $5.00 slot in the casino there ! Next thing I knew, I had a more luxurious suite, lol.

It sounds like the last several years have been pretty tough for you as well, sorry to hear that - hang in there ! I have lost a lot on holding so much MNKD for years as well -until forced to sell almost all for peanuts to keep everyone in the family going strong. I will be happy to swap comisseration life stories with you, I have more than a few "doozies" to tell you about ! Swingtrader has heard a couple of them over some good Texas BBQ on a couple of occasions, lol.

Hoping that we all do well, even though I know it will not be on the same magnitude that I originally intended to make it years ago when I had six figures into it. I had dreams of a couple million bucks back then ! lol. Seems pretty far away to reach these days. Feel free to drop me a line at : if you care to "vent" or anything. Good Luck and hang tough. Strong BUY when I get the cash, lol. GO MNKD ! GO DR. MANN !

about 11 years ago
Re: Technical view of Mannkind


This particular real estate transaction just got signed a week ago. The last one was around Christmas when I sold off 80 acres of my ranch. The proceeds from that sale did replace a small portion of my previous holding, but between two kids in college, one adult child living in New York and an elderly parent ( all needing financial assistance ) those funds are already GONE !

The surveyor on this land sale is EXCELLENT, and getting paid nearly 5K for this job. His e-mail from yesterday assures me that he will complete the job as fast as humanly possible, but there is a long & winding creek bed on the back of the land involved that understandably will take some time to get accurate.

I have tried to impress the importance of an impending "mid August " announcement about a stock that I would like to have the funds in ADVANCE of, & he understands the importance to me, I think ! Just hoping I don't have to pay $10.00 a share when I start accumulating again after the land closing ! GO MNKD ! GO DR. MANN

about 11 years ago
Re: Technical view of Mannkind

Hi Liahall !

It has been a long time since I posted about trying to organize a MNKD "Victory" party, back around both of our former PDUFA dates....before both of our CRL's. I hope that whoever pursues this project elects for a warm, tropical location. Someone once posted a destination that only celebrities like movie stars or Pro athletes could afford, like $10K per night or something ! I would love to meet many of my fellow "longs" from here and our old Yahoo messageboard, but don't want to spend $ 1,000.00 per night to do it !

Circumstances change beyond our control sometimes, and forces decisions based on economic necessity. This has taken YEARS longer than I ever anticipated and in the meanwhile, eliminated most of my once substantial (six figure ) MNKD position at a large loss. I have hopes of obtaining part of that position back in the next couple of weeks, my ultimate fate regarding MNKD actually depends on how fast a surveyor gets my work done for a title company property closing !

On a happier note.....I would like to suggest a resort destination called " ATLANTIS" in the Bahamas. It is a magnificent resort, family friendly, very luxurious and sophisticated and yet it does have reasonably priced accomodations for even us "smaller" investors, lol. I know that one person posted about a ski resort in Colorado a few years ago, and I hope that does not turn out to be the general consensus. I would probably still go just to meet all you guys - but would most likely be sitting by the fireplace in the lodge the whole time ! Looking forward to seeing everyones ideas for a celebration destination ! Hope to accumulate again soon. GO MNKD ! GO DR. MANN !

about 11 years ago
Exciting Times !

Howdy everbody ! I must compliment the staff at Agoracom for their patience and prompt response time to user requests for assistance ! I had been frustrated at not being able to sign in here for awhile ( despite using the password reset feature ) and finally decided to contact them to regain access.

I have been following the messageboard, despite not being able to post on it for awhile, and really appreciate the level of intelligence and insight that many posters here provide. I especially appreciate the willingness of some posters to spend their time painstakingly researching historical data in order to provide it for the board's consideration.

It is incredibly refreshing to again have this resource for communication with other serious investors in MNKD ! I had almost completely stopped looking at the yahoo messageboard for MNKD information because it has become a "Dumb & Dumber" forum for insults and juvenile behavior.

The recent price appreciation in our stock and the days of huge share volume have been very exciting to us all. Once again, this emotional "roller coaster" investmentment strains our level of patience and renews our imagination with visions of incredible success. The passage of time in YEARS ( for many of us here ) has been excruciatingly slow. Emotions and passion may not be considerations of a typical investment decision, but they have undeniably become "deep-rooted " within me and Afrezza/Technosphere technology is anything but typical !

Beyond my personal petty desire for wealth, I pray that humanity be blessed with the FDA approval of Dr. Mann's revolutionary new technology for the treatment of our global diabetes epidemic. As always, it is my intention to continue accumulating MNKD shares at every opportunity that my financial situation will allow. Go MNKD ! Go Dr. Mann !

over 11 years ago
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