Liberty Mines Inc

Ni, Co, Cu, PGM, Au Properties in Ontario Canada Producing Mines and "state-of-the-art" Mill
Re: Tantallon
about 14 years ago
Re: Tantallon
about 14 years ago
about 14 years ago


“Its just unfortunate that an insider from this company had to lose his job over it. Maybe his court case will go a bit better”.

Are you 100% sure the remarks you make above and below are true? If you are going to come on these sites and post that a former employee of LBE got fired from the company over something he posted; as well as suggesting this person is also suing LBE, I would hope you have confirmed that with the company involved, or have at the very least gotten your information from other very reliable sources. In my opinion, that is not information you should be posting unless you know it is true. I haven’t seen any confirmation anywhere to suggest what you are insinuating is the truth. Please inform this board what source your information came from?

FP, if you look back to when JIIL took over the company Mr. Randolph was suddenly replaced with another VP of geology. No doubt the Chinese did not want any baggage.

Soon after that his ex-company was being sued with a wrongful dismissal suit, for I believe $150,000. Which according to their latest financials is still outstanding. The documents do not say who the individual is, however the bread crumbs lead to a certain strong assumption with the timing of events.

And it would be interesting to see that post again. Was he correct in his attack, and if so how did he know that information and where did he get it from. Or was it all a smoke screen directed from another individual who had sinister means to harm shareholder value. We may never know.”

Again Tantallon, please inform the boards where you got the information from that says the LBE Geologist is suing LBE?

You also ask “how did he know that information and where did he get it from”. What information are you talking about and what do you mean by having a “sinister means to harm shareholder value”? Are we to take it that you have seen the post the geologist posted? It sounds like you have by the information you are sharing. Did he give his opinion to the ISM publically released drilling data and what it represented to him for a possible resource for ISM?

Obviously it is an easy thing for anyone with a bit of mining knowledge to take the publically released drilling data and model them into an opinion of what ISM might have for a resource. Even rookies like me as well as several others on these sites gave our opinions through the years that ISM would never, ever, prove up in the Micon Resource Report the numbers you and so many others were promoting. I think even you would have to now admit how accurate most of us were with our opinions on Resource Size compared to the Promoting gang you were part of. In my opinion, The Independent Micon Resource Report has proved without doubt, those doubters were much more accurate in their predictions. It seems the market also agrees by its understanding of the Micon Resource Report.

“And it would be interesting to see that post again”It certainly would Tantallon; and with a little bit of luck, I am hoping to get a copy of it within the next week or two. If I do, I will post it to these sites, regardless of it contents. In the meantime, please inform the board the sources that gave you the information you are insinuating above.

I find this statement of yours a little odd as well. “Maybe his court case will go a bit better”.

As I haven’t seen or heard that LBE is being sued by this ex geologist you speak about; could this maybe mean his court case is with another company other than LBE, and that case will go a little bit better. Hmmh, I wonder what that is all about? Very interesting statement Tantallon, and not one I was really thinking about. If I get a copy of the post, I am sure it will clear up most of the questions we all may have. On the other hand, it may just open up a whole host of other questions ISM shareholders could be very interested in.



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