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nickel77's Posts

Re: Liberty Mines Intersects 11.70 Meters Grading 2.10% Nickel, 2.03% Copper and 0.5

Re: Groves


I also believe rail lines cross this property, and if ever needed, would be reasonably easy to tap into. If a large enough resource could ever be defined and it could be taken out by way of an Open Pit, transportation issues would not seem to be an issue. If I am not mistaken, these tracks run directly past one of Xstrata’s Facilities. LBE is a long way off from proving up any resource on this property, but if it came to be, not only could they have their Redstone Mill working at full capacity from the Hart project, LBE could also be shipping Groves mineralization directly to Mill facilities closer by.

It would certainly help out the financial issues LBE has ahead of it.



almost 13 years ago
Re: ISM vs LBE


Of course I am happy that LBE’s share price has moved in a positive direction over the last few weeks. Why wouldn’t I or anyone else that holds shares? I don’t think you will find one LBE shareholder that is complaining. What I find rather strange is how upsetting LBE’s rise in share price is making you! You sound a little more than just ‘bitter’!

Although still very fragile, the market seems to be cautiously optimistic that over the long term, LBE will keep growing; and as can be seen by today’s latest news release, the ongoing drilling program seems to be proving another small step in the right direction.

As you say, even Whaler has packed his bags and moved on. The question remains, why haven’t you? It also seems most of the CIBC boys have also moved on. I would have to now guess you might have been one of their unfortunate clients that got pulled in by all the ISM promoting near its high.

We all pick loosing stocks from time to time Tantallon, but rather than continuing to blame others for your poor stock investment choices, maybe its time you stayed away from the markets and invest in something that doesn’t have as much risk/reward. If nothing else, you would be able to sleep at night!


almost 13 years ago
Re: "Liberty eyes significantly lower costs at Ontario nickel ops"

Here is some interesting comments from Victor at the 'other site'

Liberty eyes significantly lower costs at Ontario nickel operations - Comments by Liberty CEO

link to article:

The article indicates that LBE expects production costs to be 20% lower than those experienced in 2010. That news makes for some positive PR, which LBE certainly needs - but it is not unexpected. The 2010 production costs were incurred in a year that the mill was not operating at capacity, it was explained at the time that costs were higher for this reason.

2010 revenue, with a 20% reduction in production costs, would have resulted in some operating cash flow. The pertinent information that will come from 2012 operations, is the operating cash flow generated from capacity operations. This number can then be related to debt service requirements for the existing operation.

Looking between the lines, and looking for positives, there are a few comments that might be taken as an indication that LBE has potential.
- The acceptance of an immediate expenditure of nearly $10 million on the tailings pond indicates that management sees profit potential in the mill operation. The further large expenditure to extend the tailings pond life fifteen years is just in the preliminary stage - but is an indication that management expects the mill could be profitable for a further 15 years.
- The CEO states "Once the operation was running at capacity and making a profit, Liberty would be on the lookout for acquisitions or joint venture opportunities" This comment has two implications that could indicate potential for LBE.
First, the attitude is "when", not "if" - in dealing with reaching capacity and profitability. In the past, bashers have chirped about the company never being profitable, and have come up with some bizarre theories on Jilin Jien secretly taking nickel from the Shaw Dome - with no concern over LBE being profitable. Past management felt there was worthwhile profit potential - and the new management is confirming that it sees profit potential, even with the added costs that have become necessary.
The second positive, is the goal to grow the company beyond the present Timmins camp. This may be a longer term objective, but this goal, and any future action to meet the goal is a positive to potential investors. At present, potential is tied to the existing mines, and their limited mine life. Developing additional revenue potential and extending the life of producing assets, supports higher share valuation. This is an element that is not easily achieved by most junior mining companies. It is a realizable goal for the company because of the support of a solid controlling shareholder.

The above comments relate to the potential success of the company. From an investor's standpoint, the other question is how much will company success, translate into success for the minority shareholders. That was a concern the instant that it became necessary to save LBE with funds resulting in a controlling position by Jilin Jien. For many supporters, this concern increased when Gary Nash left the company. In my opinion, the lack of communication in the first year of new CEO's added to the concern. Recent news releases have been somewhat encouraging, but management will have to demonstrate that minority shareholders have a future in LBE, or the share value will be substantially discounted. There are foreign controlled public companies that have proved to be excellent investments for minority shareholders, and these companies have benefited through access to public capital markets. Is buying or holding shares at current levels going to be rewarded by being in on the ground floor of such a successful public company - or will it be parking money in a company with no potential, suffering a loss or unsatisfactory return? I don't pretend to know the answer to that one, time will tell.

As mentioned in the previous post, the recent spike did not involve significant dollars - it may have been a reaction by a few to the above article, or by some aware of the increased hiring at Timmins. What is does show is some volatility in the share price. Future news releases on drilling results, NI43-101 updates, actual production start-up,
could result in similar spikes, or higher, if the news is unexpectedly good. But, in my opinion, for any sustained share price growth it will have to be positive cash flow numbers in the quarterly reports, and that will not show up until next spring, at best.

almost 13 years ago

I was kind of waiting around to give Tantallon the honor of posting it, but it seems he and doingthejob have disappeared for some reason.

LBE .17 on 831,600 shares

ISM .15 on 1,000 shares

almost 13 years ago
Re: Another new low - again.

ISM .14

LBE .13

What does the market see ahead?

almost 13 years ago

Cautiously optimistic! At least we are heading in the right direction again. With drilling on going on a couple of fronts, hopefully we will see other positive news leading up to production startup.



almost 13 years ago
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