KWG Resources Inc.

Exploration stage company that is participating in the discovery, delineation and development of chromite deposits in the James Bay Lowlands of Northern Ontario. These deposits are globally significant source of chromite which may be refined into ferrochrome, a principal ingredient in the manufacture of stainless steel.
in response to goodheart-r's message

Goodheart, looking back at your message of July 4th at 10:21am, you mentioned:

(i) create a new class of convertible shares to be classified as "Multiple Voting Shares" in an unlimited number with the rights, privileges, restrictions and conditions described in Exhibit I to Schedule "A" to such Management Information Circular, which rights, privileges, restrictions and conditions shall be annexed to the Articles;

I should point out that creating classes of shares in unlimited numbers is standard practice. This doesn't necessarily indicate any desire of the company to start issuing huge numbers of shares. It is commonly worded this way because the choice is either to create a class of shares with some specified maximum number of shares, or something with unlimited numbers. If you set a numerical limit in the beginning, that essentially restricts your ability to expand the number of shares in the distant future, which is why securities lawyers would rarely advise a company to set a numerical limit from the start. Yes, there is a risk that a lot of new shares could be created. However, on a positive note, the only reason the company would want to create/issue a large number of new shares would be because various entities are willing to subscribe to such issues. In other words, the underlying rationale would be that the company's offering would have to be perceived to have some value, or else such entities would not be willing to subscribe to the issue.

I see that the meeting to resolve such issues is being held on Thursday. That's good. That would allow time for any "interesting" press releases to be prepared and released during the day on Friday during regular trading hours, if appropriate.

It's also quite possible that this resolution could pass and we won't hear a peep from the company for days/weeks/months.

It's also quite possible that this resolution might not pass. I wouldn't put any bets on the proposed supershare not passing, but it's certainly a possibility.

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