KWG Resources Inc.

Exploration stage company that is participating in the discovery, delineation and development of chromite deposits in the James Bay Lowlands of Northern Ontario. These deposits are globally significant source of chromite which may be refined into ferrochrome, a principal ingredient in the manufacture of stainless steel.
in response to eagleeye's message


Thanks for your recommendation. However, I would not sit in that group since I am too impatient for that kind of discussion (with no timeline in sight, compared to the Chinese plan of actions...40 days to get the RR/service road technical report out, and 60 days for the banks to come with the $).

What I might do, as an act of desperation, is to contact young Trudeau directly (PMO will intercept it for sure) to draw him a simple picture of the RoF and what needs to be done to create wealth, something simple that one can sell during a 2-min ride, to a top boss, in an elevator (done that before). In my opinion, this newly minted PM would listen to good ideas and stay above the weeds to start something at the Fed create jobs and generate tax income to combat the ever growing deficit. Up to a point everyone would realize that we (Canada) cannot keep on spending the money that we don't have.

We should all try to protect the environment, but we don't need to go to the extreme end. Since if we don't dig up the natural resources we will not generate any wealth to fund activities such as health care, social welfare, development of FN communities in Canada...and the world? We should remember one thing: Money does not grow on trees.

Anyway, I will find some time to write a note to PM Trudeau. Perhaps, other folks can do the same. You may write to Premier Wynne, herself, but you can probably sense that I have given up on the Prov (promise of $1B before the last election, and just a fraction of $1M is spent, with matching fund from the Fed, for the FN to do a study on the road infrastructure for their communities...This is an easy job, since many reports have been written and available, all they need to do is to collect, read, summarize them add some commentaries/recommendations, et voila, study done). I have also given up on Mr. Gravelle with his constant insistence of getting it right (for how many years now?). The Premier will forwarded to one of her ministers, hopefully it's not Michael G, for action.

And of course, we have our former Premier Bob Rae, the Chief Negotiator/Advisor for the Matawa FN. Anyone wants to talk to him?

Also, anyone (a NOT shareholder) wants to have a quiet word with Al about giving Frank a helping hand. The RR is not an evil thing to get an early start, especially with foreign investment, and it can be done in parallel with the EW road building which would help speeding up the RR construction by building from both ends, from north and from south. CEO is supposed to be long-range planner with a total picture (NOT will need an RR to get its chromite out), especially one that earns almost $600k last year.

Just some ideas for a group action. Good luck to us all. We need all the luck we can get!


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