Inspiration Mining

Welcome To The Inspiration Mining HUB On AGORACOM The company is exploring for nickel deposits on its Langmuir property near Timmins, Ontario; for nickel-gold-copper on its Cleaver and Douglas properties; and for molybdenum and rare earth elements at recently acquired Desrosiers property.
in response to nickel77's message

I don't know, I thought that Aatozz and myself were talking about a new 4th mineralization zone located in the NW corner of the Langmuir claims. The reason being is that is what the latest NR on the drill results relates to and lastly becuase this is where the feedback from the PDAC relates to, where Aatozz and Andre had a chance to speak about it.

I don't think that we were being sidetracked at all today. If you recall, you got a chance to post to me about the L1/L2 issues and the economics etc, I agreed with you and called that a big understatement, then you seemed to re-post pretty well all of that again for Aatozz today, and if that wasn't enough, now both of us are addressed with basically the same material in case either of us missed the jist of your posts the first two times.

As for posting maps etc you know where they all are, along with plenty of other great resource materials. The link and photo libraries are full of goodies, feel free to fill your boots and access what you need to.

I posted the exploration map because we were talking about the lastest released exploration hole and the KCC grid in the NW. Thats why the reference to Turnagain's Open Pit operations as well.

There were definitely some notable holes in the area you refer to at or near ISM claim 1213131. The drilling tables that are more inclusive were in the 43-101's from Micon and Kian. As you know, the staked claims shoing in white are those of LBE. Any plans for Langmuir #2 Mine?

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