Inspiration Mining

Welcome To The Inspiration Mining HUB On AGORACOM The company is exploring for nickel deposits on its Langmuir property near Timmins, Ontario; for nickel-gold-copper on its Cleaver and Douglas properties; and for molybdenum and rare earth elements at recently acquired Desrosiers property.
in response to whaler's message


I gave them the benefit of doubt last year as I usually get there first thing in the morning and the ISM booth was not the only one not attended by someone. It doesn't look great when no one is around but then again the casual browser may look upon it as an opportunity to look around without the sales pitch. PDAC is at times a big party for those attending so being late for the open due to extra curricular activities from the previous night has to be taken into consideration. It's not just the ISM booth exclusively. I often find this situation and in some cases they should have stayed away as the attendee often looks like h-e-double-hockey-sticks and smells just as bad of stale booze. Just an observation.

This year was a little different. I did go by the booth this morning and the new pres was there. He was busy with another person but I did notice that ISM had some new diagrams up regarding the Langmuir deposit these new diagrams were also present on a flat screen TV that seemed to be going through the latest presentation with many new slides. Could it be they are from the new NI43-101? Will it be released during PDAC? To me the slides seemed to be going too fast as I could not get a handle on what they were suppose to represent but it appeared they were showing the L2N deposit and changed colour as the grade in the legend was highlighted. Lots of colour in the <.2% slide. No boundaries were shown and the diagram seemed to be a 3D representation that was more "marshmallow" shaped rather than blocks. I was just passing by so don't hold me too tight on these observations. on my second pass Herb Braugh (sp?) was manning the booth but no was inside.

My reference to being free is that the investors exchange is free to the public and you are correct that the companies pay big dollars for having a booth. PDAC is much more than the booth so don't be too hard on them. Maybe they ran into someone that had a blank dewatering permit they could have used. Well that's it for me and my pretend attendance. Maybe Tantallon can give it a closer look later this week.

Also remember seeing an aerial photo of the Utah property.


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