Inspiration Mining

Welcome To The Inspiration Mining HUB On AGORACOM The company is exploring for nickel deposits on its Langmuir property near Timmins, Ontario; for nickel-gold-copper on its Cleaver and Douglas properties; and for molybdenum and rare earth elements at recently acquired Desrosiers property.
over 13 years ago
over 13 years ago
over 13 years ago

So we read "high tonnage/ lower grades" type deposit and I try to sort out what is new and what is old from the July news release where they were to mobilize drill/s and what is reported as an update this week. A year has passed since the Micon recommandations came down about further ore bodies and the potentials to increase the tonnage in an updated 43-101 (announced for Q1/11) pending results are not reported for holes L1-10-11/12 and 16

I understand referencing any and all of the old IMCEX drill holes (IMCEX 01 thru 58)in the July release, but why re-rereference and state them again in what is said to be a drilling update in Feb 2011?


"The first zone, exemplified by intersections in Table 1, shows high grade nickel and is stratigraphically above the Langmuir One host komatiite. It extends for at least 150 m and is open at depth. The Corporation believes that a 2000 m infill drilling program will allow it to precisely define the zone and its continuity with the already defined Langmuir One nickel deposit.

Table 1

Hole Id Length (m) Nickel (%)
-------------------- -------------------- --------------------
IMCEX-23 11.7 1.59
48.8 0.56
IMCEX-24 4 0.44
34.8 0.3
IMCEX-51 10.9 1.15
IMCEX-52 25.4 1.45

The second zone is located 200 m NE of the Langmuir One deposit in identical komatiite stratigraphic level. It contains low grade nickel, as shown on Table 2, extends for 450 m and is open at depth. The Corporation believes that a 1500 m infill drilling will allow it to define the extension of the zone and its potential.

Table 2

Hole Id Length (m) Nickel (%)
-------------------- -------------------- --------------------
IMCEX-57 70 0.23
IMCEX-31 115 0.25
IMCEX-1 164 0.24
IMCEX-32 153 0.24

The third zone is located 650 m NW of the Langmuir One deposit in ultramafic intrusive startigraphically above the first high grade zone hosted in basalts. The zone contains low grade nickel as shown on Table 3, extends for at least 500 m and is open at depth. The Corporation believes that a 1500 m infill drill program will allow it to define more precisely the zone, its extension and potential.

Table 3

Hole Id Length (m) Nickel (%)
-------------------- -------------------- --------------------
IMCEX-8 141 0.24
IMCEX-7 34 0.26
IMCEX-36 63 0.23
IMCEX-13 42 0.25

Mr. Randy Miller, the President of the Corporation, stated "The additional 5,000 m infill drill program is a step forward in enabling the Corporation to identify the areas of mineralization that are believed to hold the potential to host the additional 20 to 40 million tonnes of nickel mineralization that was identified by Micon International Limited in its National Instrument 43-101 compliant resource estimate report for the Langmuir North Deposit and the Langmuir No 1 Deposit. This drill program is a significant milestone in the Corporation's efforts to maximize the full potential of the Langmuir Property."


So we know from above that they are chasing after three distinct zones based on previous drilling (IMCEX holes listed above and shown in Kian's drill table from his Sept 09 43-101 report)

So jump forward to this last week and we see a drilling update showing some results. I am trying to differentiate from what was old and what is new and a result of the new 5,000 meter "infill" drilling program announced last July/10. Has this been the extent of drilling for 2010? It is mentioned that it is "ongoing" as well. We can assume L1-10 labeling is any drilling that was new this last year (2010) and as they are listed, they show the sequencing between two distinct drilling zones L1-10-01/02/and 04 for one zone while L1-10-05/06 and 07 are the last zone. Are L1Ex labels new as well?


"In addition to successfully increasing the resource at Langmuir 1 and Langmuir North, extensive exploration drilling from 2008 through 2010 in the northeast extension of Langmuir 1 deposit has provided the definition of three (3) mineralized zones, corresponding to adjacent stratigraphic ultramafic and mafic NE-trending horizons dipping to the southeast.

- L1Extension is the main mineralized zones located 300 m northeast of the Langmuir 1 deposit. It is mostly hosted in ultramafic and mafic komatiitic flows in contact with underlying intermediate volcanic and intrusive felsic sequences to the NW and contains high grade nickel sulfide intersections. A total of 25 holes were drilled on the zone with the following selected intersections:

IMCEX-23 : 7 m @ 0.43%, 13 m @ 0.37% and 9.6 m @ 1.74% Ni

IMCEX-24 : 7 m @ 0.32% and 27 m @ 0.34% Ni

IMCEX-28 : 25 m @ 0.35% and 118 m @ 0.22% Ni

IMCEX-37 : 63 m @ 0.25% Ni

IMCEX-50 : 45 m @ 0.25% Ni

IMCEX-51 : 10 m @ 1.24% Ni

IMCEX-52 : 25 m @ 1.45% Ni

L1-10-01 : 112 m @ 0.24% Ni

L1-10-02 : 41 m @ 0.27% and 44 m @ 0.25% Ni

L1-10-04 : 41 m @ 0.23% and 31 m @ 0.26% Ni

Results from L1-10-12 are pending. Chromium values were revealed in L1-10-01, 12 m @ 0.29% and in L1-10-04, 16 m @ 0.24% Cr with maximum concentration of 0.39 and 0.35% Cr, likely related to chromite. Its potential will be further investigated in metallurgical studies.

- L1Ramp is a mineralized zone located stratigraphically below the intermediate and felsic sequences immediately underlying the Langmuir1 deposit zone, mostly hosted in intrusive mafic and ultramafic rocks and contains low-grade nickel intersections. A total of 13 holes were drilled on the zone with the following selected intersections:

Hole Id             Intersections m          Ni grade

L1Ex 07             92                       0,21

L1Ex 08             151                      0,24

L1Ex 08             63                       0,26

L1-10-8             202                      0,24

L1-10-9             173                      0,24

L1-10-10            129                      0,24

L1Ex 13             53                       0,22

L1Ex 19             61                       0,19

L1Ex 20             52                       0,21

L1Ex 20             41                       0,22

L1Ex 20             80                       0,25

L1Ex 21             71                       0,24

L1Ex 21             85                       0,24

L1Ex 22             126                      0,27

L1Ex 35             53                       0,22

L1Ex 36             74                       0,22

Results from holes L1-10-11 and L1-10-16 are pending. In the Ramp zone, the continuity of Ni mineralization will be looked at and further tested for low-grade and high tonnage nickel deposit.

- L1-32-31 is a mineralized zone located stratigraphically above the Langmuir1 deposit zone and hosted in ultramafic and mafic komatiitic flows. It is in contact with overlying intermediate volcanic and felsic intrusive sequences dipping to the SE and contains low-grade Ni intersections. A total of 3 new holes were drilled on the zone with the following selected intersections:

L1-10-05 : 55 m @ 0.25% and 44 m @ 0.24% Ni

L1-10-06 : 207 m @ 0.23% Ni

L1-10-07 : 139 m @ 0.22% Ni

Chromium values have been revealed in L10-07 showing 65 m @ 0.25% Cr with values up to 0.40%. The matter will be further investigated in metallurgical study as well as the potential of the zone.

"We have long believed that Langmuir was a world class, high tonnage-lower grade Ni deposit much like that of Mt. Keith or the Talvivaara deposit in Finland. It is very encouraging to start to see the data coming in to support our theory of the project. We look forward to aggressively advancing our program and to producing an updated 43-101 report within the next 90 days, which we are confident, will clearly demonstrate the significance of the deposit" said Ian Stewart, President, Inspiration Mining."


From Kian's drill table dated Sept/09

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