Inspiration Mining

Welcome To The Inspiration Mining HUB On AGORACOM The company is exploring for nickel deposits on its Langmuir property near Timmins, Ontario; for nickel-gold-copper on its Cleaver and Douglas properties; and for molybdenum and rare earth elements at recently acquired Desrosiers property.
in response to minespec's message

Sorry but I don't think you and I are on the same page. Today I referred to another post you made earlier. Are you talking about the deleted post from yesterday? Thats no pre-micon either.

I referred to a post made by you Jan 27/10. Recall that the Micon report was out Jan 06/10. To me that post seems to be post micon report. The fact that you have some good commentary on the Micon reports also verifies that as well

Better yet, let's forget the link and simply have a look at the post I refer to. Speaking of buying when others are selling did you see the shakeout today? Imagine the buying at those prices.

I am satisified in that we are continuing to do what the company has set out to do from the get go. I am also satisfied that ISM is following through with Micon's recommendations wrt drilling langmuir. As you said, we have the money to do that. It seems that the company agrees with you and is going after more "proof" for those additional targets at Langmuir.

A couple things come to mind for me that ease my mind

1) First we bring in Clarus for some reason, we know the met study was complete last June/July

2) The Met study is out much earlier, but it seems the big piece of the Micon report that many were expecting is MIA?

3) They decide they are committed to drilling additional targets that may proove up to be more Nickel ore at similar qualities of previously indicated ore.

-Why drill and spend more money if it is not worth drilling.

-I doubt they are drilling further just to hope that they chance across some "higher grade" strikes.

-What if there are "unfriendlies" hovering and waiting to see what's in the ground? Can they strategically hold back on what may be very favorable results wrt mining economics? There's a big difference between Pit mining and deep underground mining folks.

Just my wild and crazy thoughts and opinions

"Re: Options

in response to Re: Options by whaler
posted on Jan 27, 10 09:28AM


Exercising options and selling shares are 2 completely different things. There are a ton of reasons for an exec to exercise. Perhaps they are planning an internal change and every board member wants extra votes........they could be short on cash ( salaries were down this year ) and are in need of money.

In terms of the project as a whole, I have to say that I am cautiously optimistic. The micon report gives us an indication that we are sitting on a massive resource.......they wouldn't have said it if they didn't believe it imho....micon is also an extremely conservative ME firm, so they're estimate could be skewed to the downside.

We have enough cash to complete the drill program as well........ I honestly cant see why people are selling this. It REALLY compliments the whole " buy when others are selling " theory. Just because THIS calc missed expectations does NOT indicate that we don't have what was thought originallly........ it just means Micon needs more "proof" to state it publically. Theyre name is on the line."

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