Golden Minerals Company

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in response to cockerel1's message

What are we not seeing or undersatand about what?
If world economy, then here is my short answer:

US had it's dollar pegged to gold until 1974? but unpegged it due to Vietnam debts.

US corporations started to buy products off shore instead of producing lovally, so those had to be paid for.
Dollars went into foreign hands but those dollars were and are not used to buy usual high technology products from US.
Net effect, foreigners aquire and bank US dollars.
Sooo, US has to print more of them.
Result value of dollar goes down due to over supply.
Dollar holders are switching from dollars to other and safer money.
Namely, precious metals, other currencies and investment of their kind (Stocks?).
To fight dollar depresiation and movement from it, the other alternatives have to be made unattractive.
Hence precious metals are artificially held down in price. Stocks are also manipulated.
Dubious derivatives sold onto foregners to offload debt and have them share the inevitable consequences.

Net result, your dollar is like an inflated balloon. Sooner or later a pin will puncture it and you need a safe for your wealth before it happens.
By best bet for that Safe is silver due to shortages, followed by other precious metals. Diversification also means stocks of same.

Western world does not want us aware of above lest a panic occurs and the inevitable happens too early for the powers are raping the planet to protect their indebted butts.

That is as short as I can make it.

Disclosure; I am far from an expert on these matters but learned from observation of investing for about 40 years.

If about AUM,
then I understand only one thing that matters. Fundamentally AUM is sitting on a load of silver with some other credits. No matter what happens with world economy or even if the company is managed incompetently, when crunch comes to shove, the sizable resource in the ground is the most important fundamental.
World economy will have to realize the value that we have in the ground and demand will force competent people into place to achieve proper valuation ( i.e. bought out, example ECU).


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