Golden Minerals Company

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Could a 'phoney' triple bottom be the last joke on us and the gold and silver markets/gold and silver shares? Sinclair and Grandich are urging us to hang in there for a reason.

Some think that the 'final capitulation/bottom in gold has yet to take place. Will the 'grand finale' be the orchestrated breaking of the long term bull trend under $1460 when the ultimate fear hits? This would signal capitulation and a hasty resumption back above the trend would begin as the next big step in gold ...and the gold/silver shares takes off towards first, 'normal valuation', and then to the stratosphere. Most stocks have to double or even quadruple to reach so called equilibrium. Some say 6 months or more. Some think in the next month or so.

I am suspect, pardon my scepticism, that the bottom has not yet been seen...even though I am holding on to what I have. If the above scenario unfolds, those with any cash left wiill be able to make incredible buys in a very short window of time. The rest of us will just have to watch knowing that we will be on the right train no matter what.

This could be the last head fake as we see gold and silver up a bit here. Options expiry is dead ahead, QE3 is gestating, Greece has yet to be rescued, Jon Corzine is a free man, all the movers and shakers are dissing gold, the World Gold Council wants us to think no one is buying, Jamie and Blythe are festering in their oylmpic sized shorts pool, then there is 'the Nov. election', China is buying like crazy,...and a thousand other considerations in an 'out of control' global derivatives monstor that is too complex for anyone to now understand.

Stealth and wariness are the watchwords of the day. I am not pessimistic, just the opposite but the need to be just a little bit more patient can be excruciatingly challanging. Don't fire until you can see their 'prostates'.

Good luck all.

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