Golden Minerals Company

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in response to DONTCRYFORME's message

I am a student of history and my observations on the current social norms contrast sharply with the reality reported in the 30s. Take for example the simple concept that during the depression there were few 'social safety nets' in place to help the less fortunate, but people were more likely to pull together as a community during hard times. The family unit was more coherent and people lived with stronger values towards hard work, the obligation to share with others less fortunate, and the ability to distinguish between right and wrong. People also took pride in their willingness to work hard and be independant, fully responsible for their own success.

Compare with the way things are today, and the mentality to get rich at all costs. There is hardly any shame associated with divorce, or single parents, high debt loads, second mortgages, etc. Most people have an entitlement philosophy today, and demand that others contribute to furnish the perks of a modern lifestyle. People are often quick to make excuses or point the finger of blame for their personal circumstances. There is a drive for instant gratification and much lower standards bluring the distinction between right and wrong.

In short, the current society is set up to have a much more difficult time to get through a prolonged economic downturn, especially if it also involves a reduction in the amount of spending from government for social benefit programs. I still believe that deep down, most people are good and trying their best to do the right thing. I have no doubts however that the minority of scumbags that are utterly immoral is now a larger chunk of the population and I would expect crime to be a bigger problem if things really go off the rails.



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