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Phantom Gold Haunts GLD Vault Tour

"I'm not expecting any real fireworks until after the Labour Day long weekend, but under the circumstances we face today, you just never know."

¤ Yesterday in Gold and Silver

As is obvious from the Kitco gold chart below, Thursday was a nothing day all over Planet Earth. Volume continues to decline on a daily basis...and yesterday was no exception.

The same can be said of silver. It was a nothing day as well...and volume was very light.

For whatever reason, the software that produces the HUI feed was not working properly yesterday...and there was no HUI chart generated, as it showed 0.00 all day long. However, the XAU gold index was up 0.61%. Looking in another spot on the Internet, I found that the HUI closed up 0.89% at 603.63 on the day. But I still didn't find a chart that I could post.

No such problems existed with Nick Laird's Silver Sentiment Index. It only posted a gain of 0.10%...but that's better than the alternative.

(Click on image to enlarge)

The CME's Daily Delivery Report showed that 308 gold, along with 79 silver contracts, were posted for delivery on Monday. The big short/issuer in gold was the Bank of Nova Scotia [303 contracts]...and the biggest long/stopper was JPMorgan [283 contracts] in its client account.

Of the 79 contracts posted for delivery in silver, ABN Amro delivered 64 of them...and the stoppers were pretty evenly divided, but they certainly included JPMorgan and the Bank of Nova Scotia. The link to all that action is here.

For the second day in a row there was no report from either SLV or GLD.

For the first day of September, the U.S. Mint reported selling 42,000 silver eagles...and that was it.

Wednesday was another huge day over at the Comex-approved warehouses, as the frantic in/out activity that Ted Butler speaks of all the time, continued in full force. All of the activity was confined to two warehouses...Scotia Mocatta and Brink's, Inc. These two warehouses reported receiving 829,894 troy ounces of silver...and also reported shipping 1,967,481 ounces out the door, for a net decline of 1,137,587 ounces. These are big numbers, dear reader...and they're definitely worth a look...and the link is here.

Despite the fact that it was pretty quiet in the precious metal markets yesterday, there were still a lot of stories that I thought were worth posting...and most of them are gold and silver related.

¤ Critical Reads


Central bank flight to Federal Reserve safety tops Lehman crisis

A key warning signal of global financial stress has shot above the extreme levels seen at the height of the Lehman crisis in 2008.

Data from the St Louis Fed shows that reserve funds from "official foreign accounts" have doubled since the start of the year, with a dramatic surge since the end of July when the eurozone debt crisis spread to Italy and Spain.

"This shows a pervasive loss of confidence in the European banking system," said Simon Ward from Henderson Global Investors. "Central banks are worried about the security of their deposits so they are placing the money with the Fed."

The story is worth the read...and the graph alone makes it worth the trip. This Ambrose Evans-Pritchard offering was posted late last night over at The Telegraph...and I thank reader David Ball for sending it along. The link is here.

U.S. Is Set to Sue a Dozen Big Banks Over Mortgages

The federal agency that oversees the mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac is set to file suits against more than a dozen big banks, accusing them of misrepresenting the quality of mortgage securities they assembled and sold at the height of the housing bubble, and seeking billions of dollars in compensation.

The Federal Housing Finance Agency suits, which are expected to be filed in the coming days in federal court, are aimed at Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs and Deutsche Bank, among others, according to three individuals briefed on the matter.

This story was posted in The New York Time yesterday...and I thank Washington state reader S.A. for sharing it with us...and the link is here.

Securities regulators seek high-frequency secret sauce

Securities regulators have taken the unprecedented step of asking high-frequency trading firms to hand over the details of their trading strategies, and in some cases, their secret computer codes.

The requests for proprietary code and algorithm parameters by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), a Wall Street brokerage regulator, are part of investigations into suspicious market activity, said Tom Gira, executive vice president of FINRA's market regulation unit.

"It's not a fishing expedition or educational exercise. It's because there's something that's troubling us in the marketplace," he said in an interview.

This Reuters piece was imbedded in a posting over at yesterday. I thank reader 'David in California' for bringing this very important story to our attention. It's an absolute must read...and the link is here.

QE3 Coming September 21st - Noriel Roubini

Here's a story that was posted over at yesterday...and is courtesy of Australian reader Wesley Legrand.

This is a 14-minute Bloomberg TV interview...and the link is here.

Gold Standard Comeback Enjoys Support

This is a story/interview from yesterday. Steve Liesman looks at the sagging U.S. dollar and putting the nation back on the gold standard, with James Grant, of Grant's Interest Rate Observer. The 11:25 minute 'Squawk Box' interview is very much worth your time...and I thank West Virginia reader Elliot Simon for sharing it with us. The link is here.

Dollar Turns Into "Confetti", Silver Will Reach Triple Digits - Jim Rogers

Here's a 4-minute audio interview with Jim Rogers over at Financial Survival Radio. It's another posting over at I thank Australian reader Wesley Legrand once again for sending it along. The link is here.

How exchange-traded fund GLD lets you pretend to own gold

Here's a GATA release from yesterday. Imbedded in it is Doug Hornig's report on the GLD ETF that was posted in Casey's Daily Dispatch on Wednesday. The report is headlined "Tracking Gold" and follows a preface by Casey Research Senior Analyst Vedran Vuk. This is a must read commentary...and the link is here.

Phantom gold haunts GLD vault tour

Here's a fascinating piece that turned up in yesterday's Financial Times out of London.

The SPDR Gold Trust (GLD) may have sought to defuse conspiracy theorists by opening up its massive London gold vault to CNBC, but instead it opened up a new line of inquiry.

Once inside, CNBC's Bob Pisani held up a random gold bar, its refiner's stamp clearly legible. As Zero Hedge points out in a blog post today -- the serial number on that bar, ZJ6752, does not appear on GLD's most recent bar list, dated August 31.

The FT story is posted in the clear in this GATA release, which is another must read...and the link is here.

There's a vault with gold somewhere -- but whose vault, and whose gold?

Seeing all these newly-minted stories about the GLD ETF in the media during the last couple of days was too much for GATA's secretary treasurer, Chris Powell. In his day job, he is senior editor at the Journal Enquirer out of Manchester, Connecticut.

Chris has a few things to add to the Casey Research commentary, the Financial Times story...and the piece that appeared over at He takes no prisoners in this must read GATA release...and the link is here.

Gold Wedding Bands Get Dumped for Tungsten

Skyrocketing gold prices have jewelers and cash-strapped couples clamoring for wedding bands made of less expensive metals like tungsten, cobalt and even stainless steel.

Over the past three months, tungsten, a steel-gray hard metal, has become an increasingly popular choice over gold with wedding band shoppers at Blue Nile, said John Baird, public relations director with the online jewelry seller.

"The response to our recent men's tungsten collection was immediate," said Baird, adding that the company subsequently debuted a men's Titanium wedding band collection in July.

I borrowed this story from a GATA release yesterday...and the link is here.

Bolivia Plans to Hike Mining Royalties

Bolivia's leftist government plans to raise mining royalties to take advantage of high global metals prices, Deputy Mining Minister Hector Cordova told Reuters in an interview late on Wednesday.

Cordova said a mining reform bill, which is in the final stages of analysis, would seek to consolidate state control over the industry. Foreign companies with operations in Bolivia include Japan's Sumitomo Corp, U.S.-based Coeur d'Alene, global commodities trader Glencore and Canada's Pan American Silver.

This Reuters story was posted yesterday out of London. It's only two paragraphs long...and you just read them, but the link is here anyway...and I thank Washington state reader S.A. for sending it along.

How Much Upside is Really Left in Gold and Silver?

Yesterday's edition of Casey's Daily Dispatch has a very exciting article that was written by BIG GOLD editor Jeff Clark.

With gold a stone's throw away from $2,000 and already up 30% on the year, the objective investor might begin wondering how much higher both it and silver can climb. After all, gold is nearing its inflation-adjusted 1980 high - and that peak was a spike that lasted only one day.

So, how much return can we realistically expect in each metal at this point? And is one a better buy than the other? There are dozens of ways to calculate price projections, but I'm going to use data based strictly on past price behavior from the 1970s bull market.

You have to scroll down a bit to get to it, but it's definitely worth the trip...and the link is here.

Oliver Cromwell must be laughing over Ireland's forfeited gold

This next story is right up there with the GLD ETFs gold...and all other central bank gold.

GATA's Chris Powell has another field day with this story, which is also a must read...and the link is here.

Gold over $2,000, silver over $50 in October if not sooner - James Turk

GoldMoney founder and GATA consultant James Turk, whose stunning predictions of gold and silver rallies this summer have come true with a vengeance, told King World News yesterday that he expects gold over $2,000 and silver over $50 by the end of October...if not by the end of September.

I stole the introductory paragraph from Chris Powell...and the link to the KWN blog is here.

Looking forward to gold - New York Sun

Thursday's editorial in the New York Sun celebrates the rapidly-growing consideration of returning the United States to the use of gold as currency, an idea acknowledged at length this week by the cable news network CNBC.

This is today's last story...and it certainly falls into the must read category as well. The link is here.

¤ The Funnies

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First Majestic is a producing silver company focused in México and is aggressively pursuing its business plan to become a senior silver producer by developing existing assets and pursuing acquisitions of additional assets that contribute to achieving our growth objectives. First Majestic owns three producing silver mines: La Encantada, La Parrilla and San Martin. The Company has an additional mine under pre-feasibility called the Del Toro Silver Mine which is expected to become First Majestic’s fourth producing mine. In late 2009, the Company acquired the Real de Catorce Silver Project, an old mining district, and plans to launch a drilling and exploration program. With a Management team comprised of proven company and mine builders; shareholders are poised to capitalize on First Majestic's rapid evolution into a world class silver producer. Please visit our website to learn more and contact us for further information.

¤ The Wrap

Gold volume yesterday declined down to about 143,000 contracts...and silver's net volume was only around 27,000 contracts. Although much lower than what we've been seeing lately, they're still pretty chunky for the price action we had yesterday. It's entirely possible that the high-frequency traders are still mucking about in the Comex futures market.

In the last week or so, I've noticed a proliferation of stories about a return to the gold standard...and in the last forty-eight hours, there have been a whole slew of them. The most startling thing about this, is that they're all from main stream media sources that wouldn't have been caught dead talking about this even six months ago.

Is the tide turning here? I don't know, but I just feel it in my bones that something is afoot, especially since the big short-covering rally in both gold and silver that began the Monday after the GATA conference in London came to an end.

But whatever is coming, I get the impression that it's coming real soon. As I said in The Wrap in my Thursday column..."I'm not expecting any real fireworks until after the Labour Day long weekend, but under the circumstances we face today, you just never know."

I note that very little happened in either gold or silver in the Far East during their trading day...but just minutes before London opened, both metals spiked upwards...and then really took off the moment that the precious metal markets opened in the U.K. Is it short covering or new tech fund buying? I suspect the former, but we won't know for sure until next Friday's Commitment of Traders report.

Here's the Kitco gold chart about an hour after trading began in London...which is 4:00 a.m. Eastern time.

And here's the Kitco silver chart...

It remains to be seen whether these gains will be allowed to stand, or whether a not-for-profit seller shows up. But charts like these are ones I've not seen before...and it's entirely possible that JPMorgan and friends are really on the run this time, as this price action looks like panic short covering to me. We'll have to see what the rest of Friday's trading action brings...but it could prove memorable.

Volume in both metals is pretty decent...but not excessively so...and I'm encouraged by that.

Today, at 3:30 p.m. Eastern time, the latest Commitment of Traders Report will be released on the CFTC's website. That data in it will be for positions held at the close of trading on Tuesday, August 29th. Both Ted Butler and myself are expecting to see a further improvement in the Commercial trader's short positions, as they covered more shorts during the reporting week...and I'll report all the sordid details in this column tomorrow.

Before signing off for today, I'd like to point out [maybe for the last time] that now is the time to either re-adjust your portfolio...or get fully invested in the continuing major up-leg of this bull market in both silver and gold...and I respectfully suggest that you take a trial subscription to either Casey Research's International Speculator [junior gold and silver exploration companies], or BIG GOLD [large producers], with all our best [and current] well as the archives. A subscription to the International Speculator also includes a free subscription to BIG GOLD as well. And don't forget that our 90-day guarantee of satisfaction is in effect for both publications.

The non-farm payroll numbers will be reported at 8:30 a.m. in New York this morning...and it will be interesting to see what's going on when I turn my computer on later this morning. But with price action like this early on Friday, I'm sure glad that I'm still 'all in'.

Have a great long weekend...and I'll see you here on Saturday.

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