Golden Minerals Company

Welcome To The ECU Silver Mining HUB On AGORACOM Edit this title from the Fast Facts Section

We can talk and squawk all we want about the minute details of any JPM stock we hold... the fact is that the algorithms, hedge funds and big banks run the show...and they have us mumbling and triple guessing ourselves...and their prostitutes encourage us here and everywhere to do so. This stock has been targeted for years by powerful interests and their minions who post here. We all know this!!!! Silverbull has recently proven that the See Eye Bee Cee has torched this stock (as part of "the gang")..others in the past have also done the same...Haysoose H Murphy!!!! Get real folks! For %$#* sakes...even Sprott has been targeted and is being shorted. It is conveniently overlooked here by so many that know better. This stock has been torched to carbon.

The same old is done over and over and over again..for instance the XAU and HUI are red is up... Guess what...we've seen it over and over again...gee whiz, soon gold will be attacked...options expiry etc. And everyone gets micro paranoid and talks about all the minutiae of their miners, developers, explorers etc. Its all diversionary!!!! Honest people have been railroaded into ETFs such as GLD and SLV. Fu-k ME!!!!!! Where the hell are our collective brains?????

We've discussed this a thousand times and then we suffer from collective amnesia and turn towars our navels. Look, the big boys are intimidating ball and they will look upon you kindly...if not, you get crushed. There is no way ECU management could have...or can.. do a dam thing about all got that message...repeatedly from Michel to IR. ..over years. These guys have been told to shut the hell up!!!

Okay, is Stewart Thompsons's message today...not someone I always agree with, but he is right...but the big boys will decide on the timing:

  1. "Institutional money managers are going to pump your gold stocks upside in a way that seems “beyond impossible” now. Don’t waste time now worrying about gold stocks, in hopes of avoiding some “pre-parabola hit” on them. Gold stocks are what this stage of the crisis is all about, and the only question is, are you onside?

Aug 16, 2011
Stewart Thomson
Graceland Updates

There are some brilliant posters here...but which ones are real? Its always got to be remembered that there Has to be the other side to the trade. Encourage them to buy and encourage them to sell. Blatantly, undeniably, Naked short the hell out of them and piece them off with hope. Give them the finger.

The good news is that they simply must go long soon...2 weeks to 6 months max. Everything else is bullshit.

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