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in response to Priggly's message

Hi Priggly,

"It has been said that people get the government they deserve. What does that say about America?"

Comment 1:

Forget for a moment whether the "Debt Ceiling Agreement" is a good or bad thing. The fact that the politicians had their"feet held to the fire" by the Tea Party, imo, was a good thing.

Now read this (and this guy is the V.P. of the U.S.A!):

Joe Biden compares the Tea Party to terrorists. Is this the most crass and nasty US presidency in decades?

Earlier today Politico broke the astonishing story of Joe Biden supporting the charge by Democrat Congressman Mike Doyle of Pennsylvania that Tea Party Republicans had “acted like terrorists” over the debt issue.According to Politico’s report, based on eyewitness accounts:

Vice President Joe Biden joined House Democrats in lashing tea party Republicans Monday, accusing them of having “acted like terrorists” in the fight over raising the nation’s debt limit. Biden was agreeing with a line of argument made by Rep. Mike Doyle (D-Pa.) at a two-hour, closed-door Democratic Caucus meeting.

“We have negotiated with terrorists,” an angry Doyle said, according to sources in the room. “This small group of terrorists have made it impossible to spend any money.”

Biden, driven by his Democratic allies’ misgivings about the debt-limit deal, responded: “They have acted like terrorists,” according to several sources in the room.

There is something deeply sad and disconcerting when the vice president decides to compare opposition legislators in Congress with terrorists simply because he disagrees with their views and principles. This is the kind of ugly, threatening rhetoric that has no place at the heart of the US presidency. About a third of the country are favourable towards the Tea Party, according to Gallup – i.e. tens of millions of Biden’s fellow Americans. Does he label them terrorists too?

Working in Washington I’ve met numerous Tea Party supporters and have always found them to be unfailingly patriotic people who love their country and feel passionately about the need to rein in Big Government through the democratic process. To compare their elected representatives to terrorists who seek to destroy the United States and everything it stands for is gravely insulting to hard working Americans who have in many cases devoted their lives to serving their country.

Power carries with it responsibility and the vice president has monumentally abused it with his remarks today. His conduct is hugely embarrassing for the second most powerful figure at the helm of the world’s only superpower. There is a fundamental difference between robust political debate and labeling your opponents as enemies of the state and proponents of violence.

Joe Biden has clearly overstepped the line with his comments, and brought the office of the vice president into disrepute. His actions today are symbolic of a White House that increasingly looks bitter, crass and petty in its behaviour as public opinion moves firmly against it. Biden’s outburst is a sign of the Left’s growing desperation 30 months into the Obama administration, and only further reinforces the image of decline and decay sinking in at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.



CNN was praising Biden last night for being the so-called "Point man" between Obama and The Tea Party, in getting the final agreement in place.

So who will the American people see as "The Good Guy(s), Biden, The Tea Party, Obama?

And what about CNN? Notice how they cut Donald Trump's interview short when he was praising the Tea Party?

Comment 3:

Found this somewhere yesterday, but can't remeber where. Too bad I can't claim it as my own, as it really is "Seeing the Big Picture", imo.

" No bank in their right mind takes a spendaholic that has reached their debt limit, has no method of repayment, has declining income, and is about to default, and then loans them more money? AND, if any stupid bank did such a thing, it certainly would not raise the credit rating of the borrower. Instead, the rating would be junk. The US has earned the right to have a piss-poor credit rating. We deserve it. We are not a good risk. "

Comment 4:

How about this approach, and why no supporters yet? Too stupid a bill to be reasonable, I guess!

Ron Paul Introduces Bill to Cancel America’s Fictitious $1.6 Trillion Debt to the Federal Reserve & Lower the Debt Limit by the Same Amount

by on August 2, 2011

Ron Paul introduced a bill (HR 2768) that would cancel America’s $1.6 trillion debt to the Federal Reserve and simultaneously lower the debt limit by an equal amount.

In a recent interview Ron Paul had argued, “We owe $1.6 trillion to the Federal Reserve. But where did they get the money to buy our debt? Well, they created it out of thin air.

So taxpayers keep working hard to pay the interest to the Federal Reserve, as well as to finance these bonds if the Fed wants to take the monies. So I would say that is not a real debt. It’s a fictitious debt. It’s a dishonest debt, and that we’re not obligated.

Final Comment:

Priggly, et. al.

That is why you and I (I know, we're Canadians, but you know what I mean) and most of other Americans are considered "working stiffs" and never run for office. You/They, in general, are NOT stupid enough.

Good Luck to all!

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