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It appears the most powerful family in the world is behind the new Hong Kong Mercantile Exchange. If there is any one group the could take down the COMEX, it would be Nathan and his little group of planners.

Regards - VHF


The Rothschilds and the Hong Kong Mercantile Exchange

Silver Shield

July 26, 2011

I have been watching the emergence of the Hong Kong Mercantile Exchange with great interest. I recognize the importance of China establishing this new market that now not only trades Gold and Silver,but eventually Food and Oil. The ability to trade these commodities in both Dollars and Renminbi is a huge step in creating a regional,if not global,reserve currency. The historical significance of this new exchange in the sea change in wealth and power from the Anglo American empire to Asia,is completely missing in today’s media.

When I first looked into the HKMEx I was mainly looking to see if silver manipulators JP Morgan,Goldman or HSBC were involved. The good news,I did not see that they had any controlling or operational influence in the HKMEx. The worst thing I guess I found out of the list of board members was President Albert Helmig was a former VP of the NYMEX. The amount of information on the rest of the board is limited most likely because they are Chinese and English Google is limited. I then looked a little further to see who was paying the board.

I have discovered that Nathan Rothschild along with the People’s Bank of China created the privately owned Hong Kong Mercantile Exchange. According to MarketsWiki the HKMEx was founded by En+ Group. On the face of it,it looks like a Russian company is partnering with China as they strengthen ties inside of the anti-Hegemon. When you look at the board of En+ Group you see Nathan Rothschild is at the genesis of this new market that looks poised to take down the dollar.

Nathan Rothschild has had other deals with “enemies”of the Anglo American Empire. Recently,it has become apparent that Nathan Rothschild had deep financial ties with Muammar Gaddafi in Libya. The relationship was interesting since most of the world’s central banks are Rothschild controlled and Libya was one of the few nations not under the Rothschild control. Nat developed a relationship with Gaddafi’s son Saif,then when the time was right,Gaddafi would have to go.

This is small potatoes compared to the Rothschild Rape of Russia. You may vaguely remember the rise of the Oligarchs in Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union. It was said that these few young men became the richest men in the world when then bought and controlled huge portions of the natural resources and industries in the former Soviet Union for pennies on the dollar. We were told that they were lucky,smart or cunning. The reality was that they were merely front men for a much larger power. Young men like Mikhail Khordorkovsky went from obscurity to owning the Russian equivalent of Exxon Mobil in a few years. For years these Oligarchs controlled Russia with their wealth and mob like tactics. Finally,when Vladimir Putin wrestled control of Russia from the Oligarchs it became apparent that the power was never with the Oligarchs,but the Rothschilds. When Vladimir Putin imprisoned Mikhail Khordorkovsky it was reveled that Jacob Rothschild was the real owner of Yukos.

Now Jacob’s son Nathan,is partnering with another Rothschild Russian Oligarch Oleg Deripaska in En+ Group with China,what could possibly go wrong? Oleg Deripaska was a manager of a smelter at 25. Four years later he owned the Sibirsky Aluminium Investment Industrial Group. That grew into Basic Element conglomerate that controlled…

  • United Company RUSAL Largest Aluminum Producer
  • Ingosstrakh oldest insurance company
  • GAZ automotive
  • Avaikor Aviation
  • EuroSibEnergo Power Company
  • Glavmosstroy Construction

In 2008,Oleg was the eight richest man in the world with an estimated worth of $28 Billion dollars. (All of these “richest”lists never show you the real wealth of trillionaire families like the Rothschilds who own Central Banks.) All of Oleg’s wealth came of course through the power of the Rothschilds. Oleg thrived in the chaotic era of crime that was rampant in Russia after the collapse. The Aluminum Wars were probably one of the more violent episodes in the battle for control. Lawlessness in Siberia was rampant as,“politicians,managers or reporters –were run over,shot,had their throats cut or were killed in air crashes.”In the midst of all of this violence,Oleg emerged the king of Aluminum.

It is also important to note that the Rothschilds exited the LBMA in 2004. The Rothschilds have been involved and owned gold for centuries. They know more than any other family in the world,the power of gold. At the LBMA they and a few other families owned so much gold that they literally met twice a day to literally fix the global price of gold. So why did they leave the LBMA after 200 years in London and why are they going back in to the game in China? My speculation is that the LBMA does not have all of the gold they are trading as Andrew Maguire’s testimony proved. These Anglo American banks are trading and suppressing the real price of gold and silver with multiple paper schemes. My guess is that the Rothschilds simply left the scene of the crime before it comes crashing down.

So why China? Given the history of the Rothschilds and the fact that their wealth has been tied to buying assets when there is “blood on the streets,”I think China will be the next to bleed. The heart of the Anglo American empire is the Rothschilds and Rockefellers. They have been actively courting China to join forces with them. These Elitists actually admire the Chinese in their ability to control their citizens and its free reign they give to industrialists.

“Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution,it has obviously succeeded not only in producing more efficient and dedicated administration,but also in fostering high morale and community of purpose. The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao’s leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history.” -David Rockefeller,statement about Mao Tse-tung in The New York Times,August 10,1973 (65 million died under Mao.)

“Some even believe we (the Rockefeller family) are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States,characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure—one world,if you will. If that’s the charge,I stand guilty,and I am proud of it.” -David Rockefeller,Memoirs,page 405.

The Rothschild minion George Soros has been trying the hardest to get the Chinese to play ball with the Anglo American Elite. Their creation of a New World Order must have China or it will collapse.The Chinese have been wise to take from the Anglo American empire and not give them any control. They play along while they continue to strengthen their position. Ultimately if the Chinese do not take the offer,they will be handled with the gun.(Read the 3 Coming False Flags.)

If my sons did not want war,there would be no war.” -Baron Rothschild

Having the Rothschilds involved at the HKMEx really raises my alarm as they create deeper ties inside the Chinese elite. If you know anything about the Rothschilds they are very generous and gracious friends when they want something from you,and when they have what they want,they turn the tide and leave you hanging. They mastered the cycle of lending generously money that they don’t have through fractional reserve banking and then contracting credit markets so that they take ownership of the assets that they loaned against. The big play they mastered is loaning to both sides of wars and then making sure that the victors are responsible for the defeated debts to be paid. Don’t dance with the devil.

“I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man who controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire,and I control the British money supply.”The current Nathan Rothschild namesake Lord Nathan Rothschild.

China would be wise not to associate with the Rothschilds and the Anglo American Empire,just look at the Opium Wars. When the British Empire continued to run trade deficits with China,they tried diplomacy with Lord McCartney and economic inducements,all of which failed. The more tea,silk and porcelain the British imported,the lower the money stock of silver the British Empire had. This was because China was on the silver standard and they would not buy any English goods to off set the trade imbalance. (Sound familiar?)

So what did the British do? They smuggled Opium into port cities and started a drug trade to create problems for the Chinese Elite,weaken the Chinese populace and get the silver back from the Chinese. When the Chinese asserted their sovereignty and fought against these drug dealing criminals,it started the two Opium Wars that ravaged China for years. The British defeated the Chinese and they the signed the Treaty of Nanjing in 1842. The Chinese signed over all of their ports and international trade to the British. (If you ever wondered how Britain owned Hong Kong,now you know.) The Rothschilds controlled Britain at the time and I am sure that they were influential in getting the eight nation army to crush the Boxer Rebellion in 1898. The Anglo American Empire subjugated the Chinese until Mao kicked out all of the Westerners.

What does this all mean for silver? I believe that the HKMEx is still a very positive development for the price of physical silver,despite the Rothschild involvement. The Rothschilds are some of the most brilliant men on earth. There is no denying this,given the amount of power that they have accumulated over many generations. Nat Rothschild is clearly the future of the dynasty. (Especially since enviro Jesus David de Rothschild has blown his mission for the Global Warming Carbon Credit Scheme.) The Rothschilds throughout history have not so much created history,but flowed along with history. They used to study the effect of sunspots on the prices of grain. They have carefully watched political and economic cycles to be in the right place at the right time. The Rothschilds know that the debt cycle is coming to an end and that it is a mathematical certainty. Even they,cannot prevent this from happening. So they are preparing for the turn in history.

The fact that the Rothschilds are back in the metals market and they are behind smaller silver contracts being sold in China,is a good thing for the price of silver. Any more physical demand in a huge market like China can only accelerate the inevitable physical silver default. The price of silver over the long term cannot be stopped. At some point the 3 Demands of Silver will force the physical prices of silver to over ride the paper price of silver once and for all.

I know I could have made this article very small and simply said the Rothschilds are owners of the HKMEx,but that would not have put into perspective what is really going on in this world.

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