Golden Minerals Company

Welcome To The ECU Silver Mining HUB On AGORACOM Edit this title from the Fast Facts Section

There's so much shorting it's sickening. Yesterday near the end f the day alot of the silver stocks were hammered at the same time by ITG or anonymous. FR,SPM,GPR,OK,USA, and ECU. ECU was hit with a 500K dump in the last minute. We should both file a complaint to the OSC and also the company who shouldn't put up with this BS and also file formail complaints.
The dump yesterday was likely end of the month window dressing by ITG who where likely short and way off side,.

Here's the latest from Stewart Thomson one analyst who GETS IT........

10. Gold Juniors Party At $1570 bullion chart!

11. The gold juniors vertical party IS underway. It starts with the stock pickers believing they are masters and geniuses. WRONG. The fact is that their stocks just slipped under the liquidity flows radar screens of the hedge fund shorty pants crew.

12. The few juniors that are soaring are not doing so because they are superior, but because they escaped the bankster-financed hedge fund monsters by ACCIDENT.

13. I'm ramping up the subscribers choice updates on juniors. This is how the juniors vertical blast party begins; first a few "selected" stocks blast higher, then "quite a few" start doing well.

14. Then it becomes a FRENZY, like with silver coins in the last bull mkt, where the bullion dealer doesn't care about the GRADING anymore, and rips open the package of your choice frosty gem BU silver coin. He then pays you the WEIGHT of the silver like they are 100% silver coins. All the coins go into a counter that scratches them, but you make big profits.

15. It will be the same with juniors. Stock pickers could become near-USELESS as the WHOLE JUNIORS SECTOR gets picked up by a gold bullion price TORNADO and takes almost all the juniors rockets SKYWARD, while the banksters clambake the hedge funds.

16. Don't sell your juniors to the banksters now, unless you get enjoyment from making the worst investment decision of your life. This could become the greatest short covering rally in the history of the world.

In my opinion yesterday's take down had little to do with the financials, but an organized short attack across the board. All the main silver's were hit and hit hard. It's a war out there and they want your shares, because they know they can't contain the physical market's explosion and know full well that the shares will be soon to follow.

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