Golden Minerals Company

Welcome To The ECU Silver Mining HUB On AGORACOM Edit this title from the Fast Facts Section

Comex closed, US markets closed, Monday&Tuesday no canadian mkts, Christmas Eve lull, will get the Agoracom new years resolutions in early.

I was over the top with the "lotus petal poison" post yesterday...still smarting from his[Gildage] merciless and calculated post about me on November 19 ["Re: I must say"].

Some of us are smuggly, hopelessly or even synically trapped in "boxes", and others like myself are too far outside at times. So be it as we are diverse adults from all over the world.

Being sarcastic is not going to better that fact, so my open apology to Gildage. Next year we should all be too busy seeing $green to get much into idiology.

You are either a well meaning and compassionate soul or not, and the former can certainly come with your own view of things. Thinking out loud doesnt work so well here as many posters/lurkers are not of my mindset and I imposed aggrevation on them. As all can see, I am posting little here now, and this forum is doing quite well....quality so good that guys like Coach will give time and thought.

Southeast Texas bible belt brainwashed or not, I have earned over $10 million in markets in the last 20 years and my outside box stuff works for me because the majority [always wrong] greet it with skepticism. Sometimes I feel that ALL want to know what kind if thinking made that happen, but that can easily be perceived as self serving and pompus. This is an ECU Silver forum and many care accordingly more about ECU price appreciation than pic-speak. Besides, I've pretty much laid it all out there.

So, for 2011, I will post less, and therefore offend less. I now have some really close canadian frends and wish all a merry and reflective Christmas Day and Boxing Day...pic

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