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in response to Mrsoul027's message

Soul, Perhaps the issue is more semantics than substance as I agree with much of your logic. When I see countries intruding more and more into the social fabric by devaluing currencies concurrent with excess credit, debt, taxation, issuance of exectutive orders, food stamps and unemployment programs certain to go bust...all this squashing the middle class, I simply do not know what to call that.....if not socialism, it is definitely some form of STATISM. I stand most firmly with the really big picture as adopted in the "Goldsmith's" series. This DIRECTLY effects the investments of everyone frequenting this forum. I want to know what these mega elites have in mind as should we all.

History repeatedly tells me that small government works best, so foolish or not, that is where I am always coming from. Fiscal conservatives who wish control to be preserved at state and local levels do tend [at times perhaps ignorantly] to toss around loosely terms like socialism, progressivisn, communism, and fascism as they assume this all leads to out of control national government and central banks that can only "kick cans" down the road. One can't deny we have a plethora of that about at the moment.

As for the role of "hedgies"...leverage with creative derivatives and other unregulated greed vehicles, no doubt that has taken the financial system over the edge. You have that one nailed.

We can disagree with facts, perspective, or even semantics, but we both know a great financial purge is at hand and we are floating down rapids on a raft hoping it takes us peacefully to a a larger body of water, and not a giant water fall.

We are seasonally at the very best time for G&S and the JPMs to mount another surge. The next surge will take us into January minimally and begin, from my perspective, no later than early December.

As for the current crisis in Europe, I defer to those "closest" to it. Can they fix it?....pic

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