Golden Minerals Company

Welcome To The ECU Silver Mining HUB On AGORACOM Edit this title from the Fast Facts Section

Any way one slices it, ECUXF has risen from $.53 to.73 [37%] since late July....partly due to the CDW [$CAN] rising from .9350 to .9700....And volume is beginning to pick up.

I read so much stuff that I forget where to retrieve, but I saw a graph recently with all the gold rises in various currency terms since 2001. I remember that gold in US DOLLAR and RUPEE [India] terms were well ahead of the pack...something like 350%, and was surprised to see thet gold in $CAN terms has so much of room for catching up. You canadians are very polite and tolerant in allowing us to quote gold in $US terms....must get confusing at times.

Today was a wild day. About 2:15 EDT, the Fed comes out of its meeting to announce that QE [quantitative easing] phase TWO is coming soon or already underway, and that some inflation is needed and will be tolerated to spur the economy....MAGIC words to G&S as gold pops up $19 and silver $.55 from day's lows to day's in WOW! Gold had a ONE day retrace of $12 and silver a 2 day retrace of $.49. How can one not notice that the cartel raids are finding less and less bounty.

As you folks know I have 5-6 other PM stocks and they are running at various rates....ECU, OK, GPR, EXN, SFMI...and recently TRE and NSU [I am selling more and more of the EXXON to load up for the strong PM seasonals dead ahead]. If just 3 out of the 7 light up, I'll be happy, but they all seem to be frothing out of the starting gate...and SFMI is up 1000% off its yearly low.

My point is not to brag, but to note that likely ALL of your PMs will move nicely, with ECU probably the most underpriced. And wait until all that dough comes pouring out of T-Bonds...or the ETFs blow up...or the $US gaps down....or London/Comex exchanges cant meet delivery....or silver unwinds...or QE inflation takes further hold...or citizens get gold fever collectively and G&S moves from 3% of populus ownership to say 10%.

At the SFMI meeting in Boise, Idaho over the weekend I met lots of guys who admitted to having 80-90% of net worth in PM stocks and bullion. Remember that real safety is always in the place where the majority say it isn't. Ya' can't eat gold, but ya' cant eat paper either...but one holds VALUE better than the other and when it comes to barter, there is absolutely no contest.

OK Coach...we need a good rant...I am done until next week as my plan is to post here one day a week with several posts....will try to hide my founding father patriotism as it offends some. As for my adversaries, I didnt say it was your fault, I only said I was blaming you.......pic

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