Golden Minerals Company

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Now I am reserved to even ask about the drop in 1st quarter CANADA GDP of 6% to 1.6% in the 2nd quarter. When does eco/political have relevance here???? Despite the positive spin on CNBC because "Canada is resource based", that is a huge drop of over 70% in one quarter....a one time thing?

The thing with the ECU news is that we have had no pop from good news in so long that we no longer expect it...and the news from ECU is always great!

G&S should not be rallying here in terms of normal short term cycles, but despite constant inching up for 4 weeks, G&S are still not overbought and some sort of groundswell seems to be at hand. Watch $US spot gold 1265 and $19.81 silver for new all time's coming to a theatre near you.

I am taking a break from here to let things flow without me to get a fix of how it SHOULD flow. Use my private message box with comments/questions.

And yes, I am a Christian. ...75% of Americans profess to be Christians in 2010. In 1990, 86% identified themselves as Christian......13% decline over 20 years. Draw your own conclusions when considering the social decline in the USA over the last 20 years. This is what that wonderful DC rally was about....the media wont tell you that, but it was on tv [C-SPAN] for all who want the truth to see. Non Christians are understandably miffed at why 500,000+ fools would travel to DC at own expense for such.

Well dang it if I didnt take the final say after bad! back next week....pic

Oh yes, remember we need ECU over $.70 THIS WEEK with a Friday close above!.....pic

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