Golden Minerals Company

Welcome To The ECU Silver Mining HUB On AGORACOM Edit this title from the Fast Facts Section
in response to Scruffy's message

I have been saying for years that it is not sentiment alone. Sentiment is destroyed slowly by constant and painful manipulation.... so at this point sentiment does play a part in this. But far and above... it comes down to dedicated and relentless manipulation.

They use the small canadian houses and hedgies to hold down ECU and other gold stocks. In return for illegal manipulation, these houses get to steal with impunity. The small houses work the gold stocks, JPM, HBSC and Barclays work the metal and the big banks hold up the stock market. Pretty slick operation ......

All gold investors are dead right.... they are so right that the powers that be want them dead !!! They will spank you and spank you and you still will not accept that you are targeted and taken down methodically and mercilessly. Day in day out, week in week out, month in month out, year in and year out. Free market ass.

I do believe that there will be a big pay-off, but will we live to see it ? They will only let go of this stock when silver explodes..... and I believe we are close to that point....... but I have believed that we were close to that point for the last 3 years.

I have been patient and I have been waiting.... but this is an exhasting waiting game. Only the Hardiest of the trees will remain standing in the end.

ECU is particularly squashed because many of the investors are vocal and need to be marginalized by the powers that be. That way you will all become walking Cassandras... you know exactly what is going to happen, but no one will listen to you. Almost as bad as losing money is to be marginalized. This is when you tell your relatives and friends to buy this stock because it is going to the moon. And three years later they have lost over half their money and the stock is comatose. Now you in all you vast knowledge and insight are an idiot in your family and friends eyes. They disdain you and wish they had never met you or were related to you. They are doing this to you slowly and methodically to make this investment as agonizing as possible. There goal is to make you go away and to discredit you in all you know and feel. Pretty big scumbags .... huh ?

Welcome to the Gold Cartel - a tenacle of a think tank of our own global government. A government that no longer manages reality, but rather perception. The new normal ..... gold goes up $20.00 and the gold stocks go down. Silver goes up 50 cents and the silver stocks go down. They will tell you that this is normal and that the reason is this or that..... but I know what free market act like...... I know what a gold bull feels like. No this is their imposed new normal.

However when you really think of it..... all the money in the world and the american way of life is at stake. So this is not a reflection of how evil our leadership is, but rather a reflection of how desperate they are.

Anyway ECU is prime candidate for the manipulated stock of the decade !

P.S. The only way to break their back is with physical metal buying. I have also been harping on that for years as well...... so get busy because I have been doing my part.

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