Golden Minerals Company

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One of my juniors, producer Great Panther, comes out with a profit and a glowing report and......yawn. Flat, no change. 150k so far. Probably end up red for the day.

Producing juniors continue to spin their wheels. Same questions never answered. Are they being sat on so that the majors can scoop them up later, shorted against going long the majors, naked shorted for fun and profit, ignored as has been the case for a long time or something else.

What must the management of these juniors be thinking when they see their stock get a big yawn or get trampled on in the face of increasingly good news. What must they say to each other. As an outsider, it's numbing after awhile to watch this happen over and over. What must it be like as an insider. Don't they ever make any noise that we can hear. Do some of them just sit and take it and wait for the buyout they know is coming and the exercising of their options that will make up for all the dead days? Good grief!

Several days ago when the cartel showed their muscle and had their way with the PMs, writer Andy almost lost it over at LeMetropole. Comforting in a strange way to know others are sick of it. Here's his piece:

Back at the ranch, Ranting Andy…

hard to think what to say anymore

I’ve been having an incredibly difficult time coming up with new material to write.

The level of manipulation has become so powerful, the propaganda so deafening, the public apathy so great, the lies so transparent (and ignored), the algorithms in the paper market so dominating, and the government "leadership" so damaging, that for the first time in eight years of being in this sector all in, I feel irrelevant. The financial markets are now completely controlled by the powers that be, and no one seems to care.

My motto throughout the past eight years has been "every day worse than the last", but I always felt some sense of hope. However, this week in particular has represented by far the worst, most blatant "f--- you" smashing of the PM sector I have ever seen. They seem to be telling the "goldbugs" that they know we are there, and that they intend to completely crush us in every way possible. The non-stop smashing of the paper markets, the hammering of the HUI, and the utter dismantling of any fleeting sense of confidence in the juniors each day make that point loud and clear. It no longer matters what the other markets are doing, including the dollar, the Dow, and commodities. The only thing that matters is that the gold Cartel will never, ever stop attacking, not even for one minute of one day.

They no longer even care about what their actions look like in the market, now attacking just as viciously, if not more so, when the dollar is falling or commodities rising as the opposite. They will simply not let gold and silver have upticks of any material kind, and the more I watch this action the more I believe we are simply waiting for a miracle to occur.

Of course, I will NEVER let go of my positions, and thank god I don’t have significant financial obligations that would require me to do so. I will fight the Cartel to the death (theirs or mine), as without this fight I would feel as if my life has no meaning. I have tried like hell to help people help themselves, but I don’t think many people care, and of those that do most don’t have the financial resources to do so.

So I find it hard to think of what to write, as it gets tiring being ignored and made to look stupid by an increasingly vicious and relentless Cartel. It is starting to feel like there is nothing to look forward to waking up to anymore (in the markets, I mean), and most days I feel like I am wandering aimlessly like a zombie. Eighteen months into the stock market "recovery", I still receive no emails, no phone calls, and no interest in anything I have to say or do. Even my company, which is doing great operationally, is ignored in the markets, and thus I feel completely and utterly useless and meaningless most of the time.

I hope and pray that something changes this sometime soon, as I am slowly but surely being drained of my lifeblood by this ruthless Cartel. My increasingly shrill emails are not meant to be dramatic, they are simply a sign that I am starting to lose my sanity. It’s hard enough having your money stolen each day, but when your career vocation (fundamental analysis) has been made obsolete by an organized crime syndicate, it becomes harder and harder to rationalize one’s existence each day.

I salute all of you for your efforts to keep up the fight, and I assure you this soldier will take a bullet for the cause until the day I day, be it sooner or later.

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