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in response to maxpm's message

I've read that quote many times, but my point wasn't that your new universal healthcare is socialism... what I was saying is that it is just a "right" of people to have healthcare. Libraries, Police, Fire departments... all government run and run well. There are loads of things that are better done through the government or at least looked over by the government than through private companies. Take a look at the demise of British Rail after privatization for a good example. The world is not black and white and therefore not all is best run privately and not all is best run by the government... such blanket observations are missing the big picture and fall directly into the hands of your two main political parties.

Think about this... why do so many people buy Canadian drugs? Cause they are cheaper. Why are they cheaper? Because the canadian health service is universal and not for profit. We should not profit off the misery or ill health of others. Period.

The bill is definitely imperfect- it's certainly not what I would like to see... but it is a) much better than what you have today and b) a step in the right direction. Need proof- insurance companies now have to insure you... they cannot side step expensive clients due to pre-exisiting conditions. Good. We have that rule in Switzerland and it works very, very well. In fact when asked what the best health system in the world was doctors in the US pointed to the Swiss system. It's a great compromise between freedom of choice of providers and protection for the people.

Your theoretically approving the spending of more money now- true... you'll spend more in the long run -I don't think that's true... however the watered down version of this bill may do just the opposite. Unless there is a not-for-profit, government option for the cheapest level of insurance, it still remains largely private and thus 'for profit'. Saying that however, the Swiss system is exactly that and it works. It's expensive, but every Swiss person gets the same care as the top 10% of US persons. Is it worth it? Yes. Every penny. There are not very many people I have ever run into who had lived under a universal health care system that would prefer to shift to a US style fend-for-yourself system filled with inefficient insurers and murky rules. Anything that moves the US away from the insurance lobby is a good thing- from what I understand this bill does make that move and will insure 30 million extra people. Now I'm no statistician for US healthcare, but even 3 million is an achievement.

In Canada we hear so many horror stories that we take out medical insurance for the US even if just crossing the boarder for a bit of shopping! I think the topic is a good one, but in the end those in the US who don't want this system are going to feel that way regardless... until perhaps someone close to them benefits from it... and maybe not even then. There has been too much misinformation and lobbying (the rubbish about death panels, long waiting lists in the UK etc. etc.) and not enough fact based reasoning.

Tell me, when was the last time a US congress was efficient and passed truly great domestic legislation? Anyone who answers this is older than I or really knows their history... the reason being is the system is pretty much broken and corrupt. The fact that something resembling progress actually passed, I see it as practically a miracle. Over time it will fix itself, but a big step was made. I'd love to see the same passion on the board regarding the wasteful money spent in Iraq and Afghanistan... what did you gain? I can tell you what you lost, but it's an essay of mammoth proportions, and most of it is about opportunities for education, health care etc.

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