Golden Hope Mines

Golden Hope Mines Limited is a junior mining company trading on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol GNH and on the Pink Sheets in the U.S. under the symbol GOLHF.

A Plant? The sheer absurdity. Whether or not I'm a plant by whomever is neither here,or there. These infantile suggestions of a "plant" will be disregarded. Obviously brought up by that individual trying to keep alive this feeble insurrection.

If only Mr. Takefman would "plant" himself somewhere..anywhere but here. Instead he prefer's to run peoples livelyhood's to ruin.

Let's not continue to let ourselves be fleeced by this man any longer all while we endure the current market. We have a "tick" in our midst that necessitates removal. We need the board to conduct its work without further distraction. At the same time I do believe takefman has the right to say or do as he pleases as a shareholder. However, not at shareholder expense. Outrageous!

I. Have a preference to remain on the side of business at all times, especially in these types of circumstances. Nevertheless, Mr.Takefman's character is impossible to ignore.

Ironically it is that very thing I believe has made him a very wealthy man. Predatory tactics, and unsavoury manipulations. All at the expense of others. Fortunate for us he has also failed in the use of these instruments for all of us to see. Just a few google clicks away. I have provided a link and a few exerpts below.

FINRA approval was granted on September 3, 2008 – and “from this moment on, Earl (Takefman) would bombard Elliot with letters and emails from sunrise to midnight,” wrote the judge. He criticized Elliot Bier repeatedly, and began writing to his wife Dawna, a partner in a large employment agency in Montreal that does business throughout Canada and the United States. “The tone of Earl’s emails to Dawna became increasingly aggressive,” and “all the while, he continued to write to Elliot separately, reporting on the unfavourable com­ments made by their common friends,” said Judge Marcotte.

And This!

It is a story about a friendship that turned so sour that Justice Marcotte ordered Earl Takefman, formerly chief executive officer of a number of public companies, to pay Montreal lawyer Elliot Bier and his wife $20,000 each in moral damages, $25,000 each in punitive damages and nearly $42,000 in extra-judicial fees incurred by the couple in the proceedings, together with legal interest. What’s more, Takefman has been ordered to cease and desist from communicating to the Biers or to third parties directly or indirectly in writing, including electronic commu­nications such as emails and text messages, any details on the private life, the assets and property of Elliot and Dawna Bier and their financial situation, save and except to his legal counsel and staff.

These are the typical characteristics of an emotional extortionist and racketeer. We have had enough of your ravings.

We must continnue to have faith in the returning good sense of our shareholders and directors, and it's continuing handling of this company. That is, operating a sound financial structure in a very challenging market.

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