Golden Hope Mines

Golden Hope Mines Limited is a junior mining company trading on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol GNH and on the Pink Sheets in the U.S. under the symbol GOLHF.
in response to retiredrookie's message

For what it's worth - I was at the AGM. I hold a fairly substantial stock position in GNH, so, some may think this a pump:

Mr. Candido (Frank) was very positive, (of course in his position what would one expect!). He 'talked up' the thoughts of both Mr.Glass, a geology consultant for GNH, and Mr. Tisley, whom I believe is the field geologist for GNH. Neither of the two gentlemen were at the meeting much to my disappointment, as I have met them both before and believe them to be very honest gentlemen. I'm given to understand by Frank that they are very conservative when called upon to give material information, but both believe in the potential of GNH; that, along with the assertion by SGS (consulting firm hired by GNH) that "...there is a reasonable prospect of economic extraction by open pit and underground mining..." gives me great hope in the company's future development.

Frank stressed that the company will continue to expand and grow the resource through further exploration. But, and here's the rub - there will be a need for further financing.

Things are pretty tight right now as all of you know who have a vested interested in this company. Whether you hang in there and buy more shares, or dump and let the sharks waiting to get a tasty morsel on the cheap, is up to you.

I bought recently at 0.115 and thought I was doing great - today when I saw the stock tank I just shook my head; but the market does punish when a company doesn't meet expectations and many of us had our heads in the clouds. I blame no one but myself. I truly want to see this little company succeed. Not just because I have a vested interest but because I truly believe Frank and the company are working their tails off to come through for all of us.

Hoov's comments below were addressed by Frank (who could only reiterate his knowledge from explanations by the geologists mentioned), and I tell you Hoov I got the impression you will be pleased, and you're right on!

"The most important aspect of the report (for me) will be the images of the deposit beneath the surface. Those images of how the gold zones go together will give me the best idea of not only what we have, but what is possible. I really think we're drilling on the periphery of the deposit (my mental image), but the computer generated image(s) will give me a better sense of that."

Hope I haven't got this all wrong. Just my observations.


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