EmmanuelSanders's Profile

EmmanuelSanders's Posts

Re: .065 someone really wanted out...ES

Yeah, I had the same thought ! I guess it just goes to show that you should have some outstanding stink bids. But I am also always afraid of catching a falling knife.

almost 12 years ago
.065 someone really wanted out

wow, someone really wanted out bad, 74k shares at .065

almost 12 years ago

They review the reported messages before removing them, it probbaly has not been reviewed yet.

about 12 years ago
Re: Did anyone attend todays AGM..???

Dilution, there is the Rub.

At .08$/share, we could do a flowthrough at what, pehaps .10-.12$?

The last one we did I belive we raised 1.65M$, at .12$/share, that is an aditional 13.75Million shares to our 131.56Million, or an about 9% dilution ... that buys us about one year.

over 12 years ago
Re: Ho Hum

Klondike, perhaps the non used drill results where too low grade to be considered or were out of bounds of what they were doing (Seems the need 3 holes in an area to come up with an estimate for that "vortex").

over 12 years ago

The markets have spoken. 10.5cents

What exactly would make them happy ?

Do you guys think this is driven by buy on the rumour sell on the news hype?

over 12 years ago
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