Golden Hope Mines

Golden Hope Mines Limited is a junior mining company trading on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol GNH and on the Pink Sheets in the U.S. under the symbol GOLHF.
Re: 43-101
over 12 years ago
in response to DWM's message

DWM wrote: "I think that we need to be careful not to get too fixated on seeing this come down before the end of the month and that the contents of the RE (whenever it comes) are more important than the timing."

I thank you for that wise analysis.

1. Anyone who has worked in private industry understands that Murphy's Law will usually prevail. Whatever can go wrong will go wrong and just at the most inappropriate time. This would include delays at the lab and many other possibilities.

2. There seems to be a sentiment that even a delay of 1 day would prove the company to be less than credible. This is an unrealistic expectation to place on any company. Yes if we get into May and there is still no resource estimate, then it would be appropriate to start questioning.

3. Most of us who post on this board are invested in GNH. Why would we want to start criticizing GHN management unnecessarily? All that will do is negatively affect our share price?

4. GNH has a professional BOD that are capable of determining the best strategy and in understanding the pros and cons of delaying the 43-101. They won't delay it without sound reasons. Yes I agree they should issue a news release and explain their rational (without breaking the rules of course).

5. I have been invested in GNH for about 3 years. In that time I have visited the site in the Beauce twice and met with management on many occasions. Over that time they have constantly proven themselves to be credible, capable and with shareholders best interests at heart. IMHO it would be an injustice to criticize them publicly over a 1 or 2 week delay.

6. I have heard the argument that there will always be drill results pending so we will never get a resource estimate if we don't draw a hard line in the sand. Only Management and the BOD know what they have seen in these recent drill samples that makes them want to include them in the 43-101. If they delay by a few days to get them in and it increases the resource significantly, where is the big problem? Yes if they do this repeatedly and we don't get a 43-101 before May, worry about it then. Relax. There are smarter minds than ours at work here people.


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