Golden Hope Mines

Golden Hope Mines Limited is a junior mining company trading on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol GNH and on the Pink Sheets in the U.S. under the symbol GOLHF.

below is the response from Sasha on the "average grade" discussion between me and skier. Skier is correct that the average's are from ALL the mineralized samples. Things are much better than i thought by looking at recent drill data alone. I believe this is info that the company should be stressing more in future PR's.

by looking at the area and depth involved you can get an idea of the tonnage involved.

my question -

Hi Sasha,

I'm really confused about an average grade statement in the May 18th PR? Are the averages stated below an accurate average of all drill data or just an average of "best hole assay data"? It seems like the averages below reflect higher averages than the drill data in recent "bellechase drill results" on the company website. If the statement below reflects true average grades it looks like some major tonnage at good grades to me? I'm just not sure how to read the statement. Any clarification you can provide would be much appreciated.
Combined Historical Diamond Drill Data
The company calculated the simple average of 3292 assays of diamond drill cores from the T1 Zone, most of which were from the upper 75 to 100 metres of the breccia. The simple average is 0.99 g/t Au, while the 5 -10 tonne samples, depending on the limits used, indicate an average of 2.5 to 2.8 g/t Au for the surface exposure of the breccia. Many of these core samples were taken during past exploration programs (pre 2007). Core size, preparation for assay and assaying procedures varied from one program to the other and may have influenced this average.
272 diamond drill core samples from within the T2A Zone returned a simple average of 1.85 g/t Au while 217 diamond drill core samples from within the T2B Zone returned a simple average of 1.45 g/t Au. Most of these core samples were taken by the current technical team, are generally of equal length, were subjected to total pulp metallic assaying treatment and, although too small for the primary distribution of metal, provide a more consistent database.
Sasha's reply (returned within minutes)

These numbers were simple averages of all the mineralized diamond drill samples we had at T1, T2A and T2A respectively. So, in T1, the simple average grade for 3,292 diamond drill core samples is 0.99g/t. In T2A, the simple average grade for 272 diamond drill core samples 1.85g/t and 1.45g/t over a total of 217 diamond drill core samples.

Essentially all the diamond drill sample up to that point for each zone was averaged out so we had an idea of what the drill indicated grade is. As per usual, there is a line stating that the increase in sample size leads to an increase in grade.
Thank you,
Sasha Asgary
Corporate Secretary, Director of Corporate Communications
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