Golden Hope Mines

Golden Hope Mines Limited is a junior mining company trading on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol GNH and on the Pink Sheets in the U.S. under the symbol GOLHF.
in response to TrueCanuck's message

"Heading Down - Our share price." - TrueCanuck

Wow. I, for one, want to thank you, TrueCanuck, for your insight and keen sense of how the market works. The ability to string those few words together in such a informative manner is delightful, to say the least.

Here is what other people are saying about your most recent post:

"Brilliant!" says Tom Brenson, The New Yorker.

"I can't believe I almost logged off the internet just before his post popped up... my life will forever be changed." screams Warren Buffet from his private jet window.

"I had no idea one man could make so much sense with 5 simple words." - Janet Milky, The Vancouver Sun.

"I checked the share price myself -- this guy's for real... [he's] totally legit." - Eminem.

"I love his avatar." yells Mike, from Canmore.

"Boooooooom! This guy's a freakin fortune teller..." shouts Kermit the Frog, from the set of the Muppets in Space.

"Hey Packsackman. Are you reading this? You still owe me $20." slips in snezzer.

"This post was a never-ending thrill ride." ~ Time Magazine.

".... the feel good post of the year..." says Gene Siskel posthumously.

"You'll never see the markets the same again." submits Jim Cramer, Mad Money

" good you'll think you're skin just fell off and snakes were burrowing into your chest cavity." - Stephen King

"Never, in the history of the universe, has there been, nor in the future of all time and things to come, will there ever be a more informative and intellectually crafted piece of literature that will even come close to being even thought worthy to stand in the shadow that is cast by the amazingness that is this post." proclaims Alfred E. Newman, Mad Magazine

"If I died and went to Heaven right now while reading [this post], I would probably think that Heaven seemed a bit of a downer compared to how I was feeling the moment before I died." writes Pope John Paul the whateverth.


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