Golden Hope Mines

Golden Hope Mines Limited is a junior mining company trading on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol GNH and on the Pink Sheets in the U.S. under the symbol GOLHF.

It is clear and evident that there is a germain link between Southside and Jenna Green; whatever that connection is at this moment remains unknown; and they are most probably, one might suspect, one and the same.

Notwithstanding, the reporting by the supposed journalist, Green, comes very close to the line in respect to innuendo and suspected possible collusion , and even the hint of suggested malfeasance, all with absolutely NO evidence of truth.

Any further publication by this suspect author will be most interesting to see, and I am sure that both articles will be carefully scrutinized by legal counsel.

In my opinion, Southside has played his hand badly; silence might have been the far better ploy. It is too late for that, now, that he has let too much information out of his bag.

Time will tell our story, here.... but Gemma had better get her ducks well in order, because such character assassination buy innuendo may may trigger unintended consequences for the otherwise inexperienced....

And from the style of his/her writing, there would appear to be a little less sophistication in journalistic depth than a true professional might have otherwise displayed. And the direct implication of Stockhouse in this somewhat seedy affair makes it even more interesting and intriguing.

There are already enough smoking clues in this whole affair that the truth will eventually be outed.

"Play it smart", Gemma Southside.......the game you have enjoined is now clearly in play!

As I said..... I SMELL A RAT!!!!!


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