Golden Hope Mines

Golden Hope Mines Limited is a junior mining company trading on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol GNH and on the Pink Sheets in the U.S. under the symbol GOLHF.
in response to Mtl_gold's message

Now, now...let's go easy here. People are entitled to their opinion and I have no doubts that people are pissed. The expectations for the first set of assay results were very high (priced for perfection is how my GMP contact put it) and although they were not bad, they did not come close to what some investors were hoping for (100+m at over 1g/t). I'm aware of this as I recommended friends and family to buy stock in 90's.

I also agree that people need to accept responsibility for their decisions.

GNH came fast and furious in 2010 and obviously overshot the target. The geochem alone was enough to create a frenzy. GNH is one of the first to use this new technology and also had some of the best recorded results and the stuff looks like it's everywhere. The Road Zone results did not bring the joy as we'd hoped. As a guy who talked to Sasha on a regular basis I didn't get the sense that he was helping contain my expectations. Not saying he fuelled them either but I've since let Sasha know as much. Frankly I think they have changed their tune in talking with investors....much more vanilla and canned responses now than before.

This does not change the facts that this deposit is open in all directions, with strong geochem signals, with high bulk grades at surface, in a top global mining jurisdiction, with a fully cashed up company directed by aggressive management and a strong BOD with a large amount pending assays.

Deception is funny word here. I think more people were deceived by what gets written here and elsewhere than what management spits out. I'll shoulder some of that blame because I share a lot my thoughts here, but I do it for entertainment and for trying to learn something new. If someone does DD on a chat board, that's their own problem and a result of being 'lazy' and probably being reckless with your money. I know who I like and trust on this hub in particular because I've personally met them. If investors don't have comfort level, they should blame themselves. I've worked my A$$ off in getting to know this investment and spent lots of dineros and time continuing to do that. Why? I've come to the conclusion that this is a once-in-a-lifetime. But that's just me.

I find it so crazy that Jenna Green writes an article for Stockwatch which is obviously based on what she garnered from here. It's hilarious and reflects on Stockwatch in ways I never thought possible. I can only hope that next time she writes that she quotes 'brattymack' on Agoracom as saying that the assay delays are legitmate.

I think if someone has a problem with management it should be for them being too transparent. They have so little to hide that they invite people into their office and the site and facilitate conversations with any and all people involved with the project. Frank Candido is one of the most honest people I've ever met and I'm not saying that to blow sunshine. It's true, and realistically I hardly know the guy but it's one of the reasons I'm so passionate about this investment. It's very real and I know this because I get to know every aspect from the very top to bottom. I've have a lot of money invested in here and am very aware of the risks. I'm very comfortable with my position and have watched paper profits disintegrate before my eyes...same as every other bag holder of GNH.

Nothing has changed materially that would be a negative. Gold keeps going up which is good.

If all of the pending assays come back in the vicinity of 1.5g/t then business is good and all of this squabbling is moot. If they are less than 1g/t then it's back to the drawing board and devising a new game plan.

Tilsley is trying to prove that the drilling is understated by at least 50%. No secrets there. Drilling assays are not expected to be fantastic. Anything above 1.5g/t on this deposit IS fantastic.

Anyways, I think it's good to look at all sides of the equation.

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