Golden Hope Mines

Golden Hope Mines Limited is a junior mining company trading on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol GNH and on the Pink Sheets in the U.S. under the symbol GOLHF.
in response to Mtl_gold's message

Ya i just thought i'd throw that out there. I am very curious to what the NR(s) are.

Your statement:

"we now have a big question mark around whether or not the tonnage is economical. We can have all the tonnage, tonnage, tonnage in the world but if it's not worth mining then it's not worth s#%t."

If you were management, and thought you had an Assay on the way that would prove higher grades and longer length's wouldn't you wait for that assay release before you released an 100 million tons NR? your Statement on that pretty much summed up what most people would feel about a 100 million tons NR before assay release.

Yukon mentioned this with regards to them moving the drill to laval's

"but was told that there was very strong rationale to drill there and that that information would be made public in a NR after assay data from Timmins1 was released"

Makes you assume there is a BIG NR on the way when he uses terms like VERY strong rationale. Could it be they have already proven their tonnage goals in these zones? I wonder what else that NR could be if not that NR (100 million tons).

I didn't mean to tick anyone off or come off as a pumper. I have had this theory on my mind the last week and wanted to see what others thought about it. i realize the odds of this are about 10% but if it did happened that would be a great for shareholders.

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