Golden Hope Mines

Golden Hope Mines Limited is a junior mining company trading on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol GNH and on the Pink Sheets in the U.S. under the symbol GOLHF.
in response to YukonCornelius's message

I asked Scott for a copy of those notes, but he said even he couldn't read them, so I guess I'll have to work from memory. I was going to post photos, but my camera batteries were dead, and I lost one of my backup batteries somehow. Doh!

The Bellechasse site seems completely transformed, since my last visit in late August. A trench they had begun in August (they wouldn't tell me what it was for, but it was pretty obvious what it was for), which exposed the Snow White Diorite, has now become a massive stripping operation that will cover an area some 200 m by 300 m, when it is completed. They may not strip it all, but it is cleared and leveled, and will permit easy drilling, at the very least. There are numerous bulk sampling trenches in the 88/Snow White zone. There is also some more trenching in the T1 zone, to complete the picture over there. I have little doubt that the T1 trenching will increase both the tonnage/metre of depth, but also the grade (i.e. move it abouve 3 gpt).

Dany's favourite trench in the 88 involves one particular diorite/quartz band. He says that it has been cut along strike by six different drill holes, and every one of them has returned VG. I can't recall now, but I think he said that he had VG in the bulk sample as well.

The drill rig had some difficulty in getting up Laval's Mountain, due to mechanical failures, but drilling did begin yesterday morning. There was only about 35 metres of core yet recovered, and all of it was metamorphosed volcanic sediments. The target anomaly was anticipated to be intersected between 100-150 metres downhole, so they've probably gotten to it around now, but we weren't there to see it. Que sera. There are three distinct geochemical targets on Laval's, and each will receive two holes in this current program. Just to get a look-see.

I want to emphasize something about the SGH. Unlike a regional aerial survey, a soil sampling program can only tell you something about the specific plot of ground upon which you do your grid of sampling. Beyond the edges of that, you have learned nothing. There is so much land under claim that there remains a vast opportunity for new targets to be found later. Even if Laval's is not promising on this round, it is far from being a done deal. We've barely begun to explore Laval's.

We had a few newbie visitors among us yesterday, and I've heard this before from others in the past....Until you get a sense of the immense size of the claim blocks, and even just the Timmins/Ascot/88 zone of intense exploration, you just can't grasp how big this project could eventually become. And in turn, just how big the exploration project must be to prove it all up.

Every time I go there, now five times, my faith in this company and in their projects is made more solid. I thought I was a believer before, but I become more and more a believer with every visit, with every phone call with Frank. And about Frank, if you think you're frustrated by the assay delays, you ought to get Frank at a candid moment, and get a feel for what immense frustration looks like.

I wanted to buy yesterday, but my computer was in Frank's car, and he was doing business at St. Migloire and the new office site, while we did our tour. Que sera.

Frank Glass, a consultant geologist to Golden Hope for many years, did a presentation at lunch time about some regional geological structures, which controlled things like the direction of river flow, the location of intrusives, and so on. Fascinating man, whose brain is too fast for me to follow. Anyway, let's not forget that GNH is also about much more than gold. 80% of its claims are outside of the Bellechasse gold belt, and include many other gold and base metal targets. Because of the delays in the drill core assays, the company did not want to appear to distract attention from that by putting out news releases on other properties, but a huge amount of work is ongoing on those other claim blocks. So, when the dam finally breaks, guys, there is going to be news coming out your woohoo. All kinds of news.


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