Golden Hope Mines

Golden Hope Mines Limited is a junior mining company trading on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol GNH and on the Pink Sheets in the U.S. under the symbol GOLHF.
Goldstar & TA
almost 14 years ago

Goldstar has it right.

My TA interpretation indicates a very tight Bollinger formation, suggesting a relatively near-term break out to the upside.......

BUT, we could see .45 before the turn.

Far too many on this forum are inveterate complainers, as certainly is their right....

And far too many seem to have little appreciation for the STRATEGY of business, especially the business of junior equities.

Our management has done an exceptional programme of on the job training; We have an excellent, engaged, committed, and financially involved team at the helm.

If you need re-assurance, I can only suggest that you attend the next on site visit; it will be my 4th; I love it when Dany to shows me the visible gold flecks in the cores..... Real DD has to be done at the site, with open access to the team, and a clear understanding of the lay of the land and its secrets...

I rather suspect that our geology team may have more assay results in their hands that have not seen the light of shareholders day, but that is to be expected as they still await key results, and assemble the data into the correct and proper form for release and publication.

Lots of people and institutions know about us, and are widely holding our shares....

Since the spike up in September (which certainly focused a lot of attention on GNH), the share price has consolidated nicely, with no sharp decent in price.... Given the chart formation and the ongoing work of the whole GNH team, a splendid assembly of good and knowledgeable industry leaders, I would suspect that all is unfolding in a positive and forward direction.

Most of those who clamor for results and releases have, I suspect, not been at the forefront of serious enterprise management themselves. That, in part, may explain their unrealistic expectations.....

All of that aside, I am holding until my continuing dd should tell me otherwise. I have NOT been led astray in this project, and so far, like many others on-board, I have already profited handsomely from it.

To our team......Godspeed!


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