Golden Hope Mines

Golden Hope Mines Limited is a junior mining company trading on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol GNH and on the Pink Sheets in the U.S. under the symbol GOLHF.
in response to twilight's message

Good questions, I have written them down, I'll ask them and will do my best to report these back here.

From what I understand, you will probably only get the broad brushstrokes as you have suggested. I've noticed some of the points you have brought up and they are certainly valid points. It does make me think that you're not in tune with how recently the girth of this discovery has been talked about at all by management. On this hub is one thing, publicly is another. A lot of the discussion of how large this deposit could be has been deciphered from information that investors like myself have gathered by going to the site and putting 1+1 together and posting it here. The fact that they have only one drill, 2 office staff, 4 field staff, no technical report, feasibility, or imminent financing is another. This project is in it's infancy and is being treated as such.

Buyer beware of course, if anyone relies on their DD from a chat thread on the internet. I have no good answers for pro investors because up until now all we truly have is historical drilling and 1 recent bulk sampling project under our belt. Technically, that's all anyone's investment should be based on. There is great info here, and investors can choose to believe or not believe what gets written here but you would have to take at least a small leap of faith to be invested in this company at this level.

Seeing the property itself is a funny experience. I'm not religious in the slightest but I've seen over a dozen people have what appears to be a 'religious experience' after visiting the property. It's very real, and unless Candido has assembled the greatest acting class of world, the people involved are not making this crap up. A 20 km+ gold belt, open in all directions. I for one don't think it's maybe possible, but that it is actually probable.

I certainly agree that Candido should be accountable for all of those questions, and many more. I just know from being around for the past few months that all these questions have been asked in the past, but the project and financing was way too premature to even consider it. We are just taking this elevator out of the basement. If the ground has what I think it has it's going to be looooong time before we can prove it to the 'market'.

My long story short is, I have always found that if they don't have an answer for a question they have always had a very good reason for not having that answer.

To your point though Twilight, I think times are a bit different now and those questions may actually get an answer...but if they do, IMO these answers will be fresh off the press and you'd be amazed at how close you are to the top of the food chain of having that knowledge...just from reading the posts on this hub.

I've had a couple of questions PM'd to me, and I've got room for lots more so if you think of any, fire them off please. I've seen it all twice before and I'm running low!


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