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Falcon is not one of them, but when it comes to find new energy plays they are there with the best of them.

Fortune has listed the 500 biggest money-making companies from around the world for 2011, and unsurprisingly, oil, fuel and energy companies dominated the top echelon of the rankings.

Topping the list is mega-fuel producer, Royal Dutch Shell, which has been pushing to drill for oil in Arctic waters, while closer to home, it has also applied to explore the Karoo for shale gas amid much controversy.

By Quinton Bronkhorst | 11 July 2012

Behind Shell is Exxon Mobil, the biggest company in the US which has brought in $41.1 billion in profits, up 35% from the previous year. Following in third place is the world’s largest retailer, Wal-Mart.

Global 500 top 10

500 Rank Company Revenues (Million US$) Profits (Million US$)
1 Royal Dutch Shell 484,489 30,918
2 Exxon Mobil 452,926 41,060
3 Wal-Mart Stores 446,950 15,699
4 BP 386,463 25,700
5 Sinopec Group 375,214 9,453
6 China National Petroleum 352,338 16,317
7 State Grid 259,142 5,678
8 Chevron 245,621 26,895
9 ConocoPhillips 237,272 12,436
10 Toyota Motor 235,364 3,591

Tech in the Global 500

No tech companies make it into the top 10 list of the Global 500; however, tech does make its debut on the list with Samsung Electronics heading up the category at number 20.

General Electric (22), which has strong operations within Africa and South Africa enters two positions lower, having been listed as the top tech company in the Fortune 500, which focuses on American companies.

GE has invested in major infrastructure and media projects in SA, such as emergency generators for Anglo Platinum and the CNBC Africa broadcast headquarters.

Samsung’s smartphone rival, Apple hits the rankings in the 55th spot, while electronics manufacturers such as Hitachi (38), Panasonic (66), Sony (87) and Toshiba (97) also make their presence known in the top 100.

Telecoms also has its fair representation with Japanese telecommunications company, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone (29), AT&T (32), Verizon (50) and Deutche Telekom (89) all ranked well.

Here is a list of tech companies featured in the Global 500′s top 100 companies:

500 Rank Company Revenues (Million US$) Profits (Million US$)
20 Samsung 148,944 12,059
22 General Electric 147,616 14,151
29 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone 133,077 5,924
31 Hewlett-Packard 127,245 7,074
32 AT&T 126,723 3,944
38 Hitachi 122,419 4,397
47 Siemens 113,349 8,562
50 Verizon 110,875 2,404
55 Apple 108,249 25,922
57 IBM 106,916 15,855
65 SK Holdings 100,394 1,510
66 Panasonic 99,373 -9,780
81 China Mobile 87,544 11,703
82 Telefonica 87,372 7,513
87 Sony 82,237 -5,784
89 Deutche Telekom 81,554 775
97 Toshiba 77,261 934

The full Fortune Global 500 list can be found here.

Fortune Global 500 Top 10 (via AFP

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