Eagle Hill Exploration Corporation

Targeting 1 million oz in mining/exploration-friendly Quebec High-grade & bulk tonnage Gold @ Windfall Property, Val d´Or: The ´Lost Treasure´ of Noront !

EAG saying no and accepting the return of the 75% for less than they would receive for Maud offer. NOT already accepted the game but in a non-binding agreement so what does this say about NOT's intentions. Perhaps somewhat indecisive or rather, open to options. I do suspect the bottom line for most of this type of human being and that it is to grab as much as you can for yourself. FWR, SPQ yada yada. They demonstrate no concern for investors at the retail level or perhaps any level if it comes down to it. I think that the going perception is that no one is watching particularly at the V exchange level to say nothing of all of the players who walked away from the financial mess that they created. Top that off with so many explorecos going for pennies and you get the dominant mindset.....and that is... why pay more when you can manipulate for less? By the time the big fish show their teeth you know you've been set up and it's probably not looking good for you. But, we wait to see....however most of this stuff was planned and in place long before we even thought of the possibility.

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