Crystallex International

Welcome to the Crystallex HUB on AGORACOM "Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold producer with operations and exploration properties in Venezuela."
in response to jcwillis's message

While I have no problem with these emails as any humour is good, I do find it strange that these posts haven't been moved or reported.

Not sure how you take this as complaining when I said I had no problem with them.

You are correct that under the NEW rules from GT they have decided not to remove any posts. What you failed to mention is that this is not the same way things were handles when the $hit hit the fan and people (not me) wanted posts banned. I had posts moved to off topic in Dec. which is fine with me.

GT came in and cleaned up the board so to speak and many people left who were valuable contributors. Now that the rules have been changed back doesn't really matter since those who left are gone and those who wanted the banning are still here saying they don't understand what all the fuss is about. I suppose nothing is off topic now under the current rules. That itself is a double standard in my opinion.

You still didn'y answer my question of what you meant by double standard since no posts are being removed now. If you are refering to before the new rules or was it the old rules (can't keep it straight) you can't complain about a cirrent double standard if you are refering to stuff before the $hit started.

You give me far too much credit for being a HUB leader. I did not se any posts removed like you suggested. I usually see a large red X but saw nothing so I asked if I missed something under these new/old or what ever rules.

I asked in December if you were the only hub leader monitoring posts. Seemed like a legit question to me considering that many of the HUB leaders may have left and you were a participant in the rules going back and forth wanting no_bear removed.

Can't comment on OG as I have no idea of what posts are being refered to. Old rules/new rules/hub leader rules/?

I do know one thing however. I'm still here and haven't left. I still read every post and don't submit violations or delete anything.

This board is a shell of what it used to be. It doesn't matter since there is very little information that will come out at this point in time. Those people who do want to hear what is happening may want to do their own DD rather than to wait for a post here. I learned of the new arbitrator elsewhere. I learned of a new time line elsewhere.

In writing this post I now understand what OG meant when she said you win. Unfortunately when I went to find her post it is no longer there so I guess someone has removed it. I did read some of her other posts. I think her message was pretty clear

Keep up the good work.

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