Crystallex International

Welcome to the Crystallex HUB on AGORACOM "Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold producer with operations and exploration properties in Venezuela."
in response to EZ Street's message

Okay, I don't like what I'm about to do, but given your "shake yourself", that resounds very much like a bit of sarcasm, like if I'm a bit dumb.

Fine, read below, an excerpt taken from a your post of this past july, where with the same sureness you treat what I write like hilarious thins written from an half-dumb investor:

Look especially at the bold script from you, now: who was wrong, then? At least we're passed from 7.50 dollars at a more "sober" 4,50...



I could care less which day you joined the forum, but it does look suspicious...No.

The truth of the matter is, business is business and without the permit and the re-structured BCV gold deal, none of it means anything. But, saying that, when these things are completed, you can expect the share price to react accordingly. The institutional buyers have their hands tied, if the company doesn't have all of it's permits in order. These guys aren't just given free rein to buy what ever they think will make them money as a company, they are strictly regulated and for good reason. There not spending their own money. But once it has cleared all of those hurdles, math is math and they have to buy and sell stocks just like this one. Stocks that will attract potential new clients because of their track record. It's not done on a whim, their research department will tell them when it's a prime target and this is what we expect. Even then, they usually get half the information wrong. Remember the institutions job is to attract customers and there is only one way to do that and that is with investments that will make big profits. The worst case scenario is we have approximately 30 miilion oz at $1200. gold, that is the reality, not 16.8 million at $550. that's old news. Let's just deal with that for now, regardless of all other future plans and deposits. That is 36 billion dollars in gold reserves, of which 12 billion is our share. You can do your own calculations from that point. Even if you cut that number in half and gold doesn't carry on with it's increase, which it will, we're still talking 6 billion dollars and using 400 million fully diluted shares outstanding, that's $15.00/share. O.K. don't like that number, cut it in half again, to 3 billion, it's still $7.50/share. Your wrong and you don't even know it. If I said we have a share potential of between $7.50 and $15.00 show me where I'm wrong. Remember, we still have the potential for gold to go much, much higher than our current level. Again, do the math.


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