actarus030369's Profile

actarus030369's Posts

Re: Collection of Award to be Difficult?

Tell me he's not serious.

He CAN'T BE serious.

"..Tell the Venezuelans that there is a malfunction or a broken section of transfer piping in the refinery and I will delay the processing a week or two. Now you've done the heavy crude from 10 tankers worth 200 million each, that's a good start."

about 10 years ago
Re: Buying more

Osmo, i think you can recall my stance about this stock, and what I was thinikin' about the various pumping that came from EZStreet in particular.

That said, I think that this move you're thinkin' about could give you some good results, if you can afford the wait..

I will do the same, this afternoon (for us here in Italy, that is..)

Best wishes,


over 12 years ago
Re: I can say with 100% certainty.....(EZ)

Just in case you hadn't noticed, I reported your text "punctuated"..

But even this way, I am wrong.


over 13 years ago
Re: EZstreet have question my integrity,

Just read your answer, EZ, and doing this I couldn't avoid to think about how you resemble very similar to our Prime Minister, Silvio Berlusconi.

Resumed very briefly, all the things said by the others are BS, whatever they are close to truth and good sense. All the things said by you are absolutely correct, whatever you have gone far from the same truth.

Absolutely impossible argue with you, because you are always right in your own mind.



over 13 years ago
Re: EZstreet have question my integrity,

There are so many "things gone the other side" I can almost laugh for half an hour..

The one towards the end in bold, where he said "GET USED TO IT. WE'LL GET THE PERMIT BECAUSE THIS COST THEM ZERO" or something like that is really spectacular..

If only them were said with a point of doubtfulness...

over 13 years ago
Re: Soft Bashing

Why aye man..

over 13 years ago
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