Crystallex International

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He said that although the union and workers have culled, senior management failed to meet the commitment made in 2001 to settle debts and labor liabilities as incurred in fulfilling the workers were forced to go to conflict.

Same old sh!t...different day. Go form a pole and demand the presence of the National Executive. Morons.

Conflict erupted in CVG Alcasa

Source: Isabel Arrieta. Photos: Francisco Hernandez

Alcasianos workers decided to stay as a sit-down pressure to the top management of the plant to honor the debt owed to workers.
The work force remains clustered at the gates of the plant in permanent assembly, waiting to receive a crushing response to complaints.
Sintralcasa Secretary General, José Gil, said the actions are indefinite until get response to the proposals submitted and will not accept intimidation by National Guard troops.
Today announced it will hold a meeting with Yelitza Santaella, former vice president of Bolivar and designated PSUV vice southeastern Amazonas, Bolívar and Delta Amacuro, in order to assess the situation of conflict of Alcasa.
The union leader said the president of CVG Alcasa Elio Sayago, has become the core problem of the conflict, insisting on arbitrary policies implemented outside the framework of workers' control.
"The president is leading Sayago workers. Today (yesterday) was presented a few meters from the protest with a sound and the National Guard to intimidate workers, "he said.
He criticized the presence of Deputy Nancy Ascent, who tried, together with members of the GN, open the gates and sadly received a response from the workers, who ordered to withdraw from the room to avoid confrontations and awkward situations.

Chavez faced Alcasianos
Gil said that despite sharing the same political ideology of the company president, admits that there are several lines, streams, and views within the PSUV and just does not share the line that belongs Sayago.
He said that in the case of Alcasa, the union is facing a management position that it considers to be absolutely right and looking away from the union.
"We are of the current believe that trade unions have been the promoters of the changes and transformations of companies in Guyana, so we want to disable any policy that is detrimental to the welfare of workers and to implement policies to advance increase productivity. "
In addition, Gil said that the Sayah and its current executive train could not have ever union hegemony, so it is covered by workers' control policies misrepresenting the main objective.
Although denied that it is a political conflict have exhausted the means of reconciliation, requested the intervention of national government and relevant bodies to PSUV.

Sold dialogue
Archimedes Hidalgo, organizing secretary of the local branch of employees, said the union in 2010 was raised Sintralcasa a stage of conciliation with the company representatives, in order to reestablish a dialogue table to facilitate progress in the negotiations for the undertaking to meet contractual commitments and the response has been entirely negative to the detriment of the workforce.
He said that although the union and workers have culled, senior management failed to meet the commitment made in 2001 to settle debts and labor liabilities as incurred in fulfilling the workers were forced to go to conflict.
"The company has suspended 20 months of cancellation of bonus incentive of workers, 10 months with no savings despite the company deducts the interest on savings in the years 2009 to 2010 and suspension of vehicle insurance," he said .
Stated that they are aware that the plant is in a difficult situation and low productivity, but there is an agreement with the company this year to restore the productivity and pay 1,450 million Bs in very high figure labor liabilities that can not be assumed by the company.
Rejected the position of President Elio Sayago to refuse to recognize the union's institutions and recognize the commitment to pay and find out the claims and labor liabilities owed to the workforce.
He noted that the control has failed Alcasa workers, workers who have distorted this figure represent the policies.
"We support the policies of workers 'control as they have the desire to exploit the working class to take the mode of production and make it serve the people, but this representation has only managed to hijack the figure of workers' control" referred.
Alcasa stressed that workers' control has become a small group that appeals to be complicit in top management making decisions behind the backs of workers.
Questioned whether the so-called workers' control did not consult anyone like Alcasa aluminum sold; when workers who supposedly should know the process of negotiation and sale of products by as guarantors to ensure the interests of the plant and the working masses .
"It's not that politics is bad, but they are the ones in front have been diverted to meet the primary objective the implementation of self-management or control model worker," he said.

It is a political conflict
Diego Castro for his part, labor director and member of the Movement 152, said the problems should not be used protest of workers to settle political disputes.
"We have seen how two groups of Chavez represented by Deputy Jose Ascencio and Gil have a showdown at the gates to measure forces, if this fight is labor liabilities and the breach of the collective agreement," he said.
He stressed that certainly both Alcasa and Venalum there is a wealth of benefits unfulfilled flag should be reason for the union leadership and demand that the national executive activate the proposed investment plan.
"We have been insisting that the national executive must deal with conflict in the basic industries of Guyana, and even today there is a finding and unfortunately we have to use these mechanisms of protests," he declared.
Castro said the national executive has ignored the demands to meet contractual commitments and industrial peace.
"Gil instead of working on a party interests should be at the forefront of the protest rights of workers and stop calling them guarimberos, coup and squalid and assume the responsibility of general secretary."
Castro said that these protest actions on the ground product has a political tinge to the proximity of union elections.
Also as a union leader said he will remain at the side of the workers, demanding respect for union autonomy and fight for the national government ordered the discussions of the collective agreement of both core businesses as autonomous institutions of the state.

Political representatives involved

Sintralcasa Secretary General said the company sought to activate the contingency plan referred to in clause 44 of the collective agreement that guarantees the minimum conditions of operation, application was not approved by President Elio Sayago.
Gil announced today hold a meeting with the vice president of the Southeastern states of Amazonas, Bolivar and Delta Amacuro, in order to assess the situation of conflict of Alcasa.
Although the union leader denied that the case of clashes between affects the revolution, criticized the presence of Deputy Nancy Ascencio at the gates of Alcasa.

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