Copper Fox Metals Inc.

Welcome To the Copper Fox Metals Inc. HUB On AGORACOM Copper Fox Metals is a Canadian-based resource company focused on developing the world-class Schaft Creek Project in northwestern British Columbia.
in response to Reno68's message

I don't know how Teck or for that matter any commodities based company could go to their board of directors the last 3-4 years and propose

Ridicuous assertion.  Are you suggesting that a board wait until the top of the copper cycle to propose building a 6-year-build mine?  In 2010 Don Lindsay himself promoted Teck as "counter cyclical" in its development decisions.  He touts in early 2011 a potential doubling of Teck's copper production in 6 years from internal development.  This to take advantage of massive copper deficits that they themselves forecasted to occur by 2017.  If he had kept his word we would TODAY have a producing and increasingly profitable mine!  IMO, teck's share price would have never gone anywhere near $3.50 had they opted for SC copper vs Fort Hills fossil fuels. 

The most infamous time they forewent "counter cyclical" investing Teck bought into coal at precisely the very top of the market and almost went under for it.  Teck never learns and never behaves according it's own professed wisdom and guidance.

Teck's board decides to spend billions to develop a low margin oil sands project precisely when oil spiked to over a $100+/barrel instead of  deciding to honor thier copper production guidance and counter-cyclically develop Schaft Creek during a copper price slump and be producing in time for their own projected copper recovery timeline. 

So is Don and his board any different than ES/EE at blowing smoke up our backside? 

Why can't people just be honorable enough to keep their word and do what they say they are going to do.  I guess I am too naive or old school for today's world.  Not sure which.

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