Copper Fox Metals Inc.

Welcome To the Copper Fox Metals Inc. HUB On AGORACOM Copper Fox Metals is a Canadian-based resource company focused on developing the world-class Schaft Creek Project in northwestern British Columbia.
in response to beancliff's message

There is enough supply for 5 years but after that we'd need to see a decline in demand for the price to stay the same.

On the flip side is the ability to consume.

In BC:

they want to double the hydro price to build a new dam at tax payers expense that supplies the gas industry with cheap energy.

Fuel prices are set to hit $1.68/L this year and stay close to that level unless something major happens like a gigantic discovery. We'll be told fracking is the only answer. If you saw the EPA news you know they are dumping toxic chemicals in arid places at telling the public it safe for animals to drink!

An english cucumber averaged $2. A decent cut of beef is $30/Kg. A 200g bag of potato chips is $4.50. A roasting chicken is $3.80/pound. Bell peppers are $1.50 each. Rent is now 77% of minimum wage!

Most people don't know this: As a landlord I can tell you that most of the renters who earn below $20 an hour will not be able to afford the power increase let alone a car. We as property people are told to increase density. But, that causes a lot more wear and tear. So prices have to go up. It's a bad bad circle. The government of BC intends to getto'ize a lot of realestate and rob taxpayers to give almost free power to gas companies. The plan is to imobilize the work force and create a slave/captive work force to serve the low end of business. With the planned increase in just the power bill a large swath of BC people will not be able to afford transportation. We are about to seea major structural change in employment. This will be used to bring in another 50,0000 immagrant workers.

This is not going to drive up demand much at all and will have a negative impact of property values. For the lower end rental market in particular those who can adapt properties to the density demands this will not be soo bad. I say this because these people will have no where to go. The cities are already making density changes easier. They let you build duplexes and suites in places you could not have done that before. You just apply under the guise that it will make more affordable seniors housing available.

In the big picture, the over all plan is to Detroit BC. Bunk you say? Well, hold on a minute. Why are taxpayers buying a dam for the gas industry? Have you noticed the sudden huge spike in natural gas prices due to the enormous demand? Sarcasm of course. In BC 1/2 of the NG wells are capped. They have been for 20 years. Yet, we are madly fracking and drilling and capping on the basis that the LNG market will consume it all and a bonanza of tax revenue will befall us. Someone is lying.

Given BC as a microcosm of the global picture I think we will need to see some strife elsewhere before copper starts to move seriously. That's going to give Teck the perfect opportunity to build. Build while it's cheap. We can always trust one thing above all others. Human greed. Teck knew all of these things were to come and started on QB. Strife hit there and they flexed their muscles. That country went to its people and said, "now look what you've done, no jobs for you".

On the jobs front. Google "labour jobs mining BC". Try any search you like for BC labour with respect to mining. Shocker... there's nothing. Oil and gas...? Anything with decent pay related to resources? Bugger all. Then look at the other listings. A Phd in mine engineering with a minor in economics and 15 years of experience! These things don't go together and when all combined they are looking for a guy who's 70 years old! Doh. Hey government, I can't fill my job list can I import cheap labour? Yup. If you are interested in more detail on this just consult any labour union about the impacts of this. It's not just down right deceptive it also cheats CPP, EI and taxes.

It's my opinion that labour will be played against labour. If QB buckles under then it gets build first. If not, the SC gets build fast. Given what I see coming in other countries, SC should be fast tracked.

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