Copper Fox Metals Inc.

Welcome To the Copper Fox Metals Inc. HUB On AGORACOM Copper Fox Metals is a Canadian-based resource company focused on developing the world-class Schaft Creek Project in northwestern British Columbia.

What in gods name are you yahoos talking about drilling for!? I was so beside myself a few weeks back with the BFS and the SP that i did one of the smartest things I could have done at a time like that....I called the CUU office. I had never called until that point. Low and beyold a kind woman named Kathy answered, I asked to speak to Elmer or Mike with some technical questions as a retail investor. I was told that he was on the other line and that she would have either of them call me. Well didn`t my cell ring a few hours later in the parking lot after leaving work and it was Mr. Elmer Stewart. What a conversation people ! I didn`t turn the key in the ignition for exactly 1 hour ! We went over it all, which put it in perspective for me.

They have absolutely zero intention of drilling, improving recoveries or doing an updated BFS. Elmer told me that they have done what they needed to do and that was put together a bullet proof, albeit conservative BFS and get Teck on the clock. Why conservative? he told me they did not want ANY opportunity for Tech to challenge the BFS. And he told me that Teck had only a few easily addressable points and gave their go ahead. He said it would be up to the buyer to make those tweak or re-BFS's to show the REAL value of the deposit. They got Tecks OK, not just on the NR, on the BFS ! They do not know when Teck will make a decision or what that decision will be, albeit they have a good idea I'm sure, but they have to keep going and trudge along as though there is no end point so that they are not dragging their feet. Hence the funds for advancing the EA and perhaps putting together a plan on paper for drilling or redoing the metallurgicals, etc should Teck opt out completely.

This thing was put together people with the full intention of attracting a LARGE company. Everything is well thought out and the district and deposit(s) are there to support a century of mining. Elmer said "The discovery zone is another deposit with a huge signature as big as SC". And the interesting thing that didn't even cross my mind is that with the infrastructure in place that these other deposits (discovery, etc) can be of lower grade and still be very economical to mine (they just have to trump operating costs). The north and east walls of the pit are well mineralized and of course open at depth in higher grade mineralization (especially in the paramount zone which contributes the least in reserves to the pit- Remember people, it is the paramount zone that has the most future drilling potential) When you look at the economics of the BFS did you happen to notice the large jump in the ROV scenario for NPV) he told me that this is the direction the mining industry is steering for proper valuation. Did anyone happen to notice that the metal prices for that scenario are the SAME as the base case, much lower than the spot price case yet the outcomes are more econmically favorable. Interesting isn't it that under this valuation model does not hinge on metal prices. I bet if you popped in spot prices in the ROV scenario that we might just be impressed. He told me that these big companies look at the BIG picture a lot more than these preliminary economics to derisk. Their own engineers will rework this thing daily he told me, and better the recoveries (which he told me can be done with very little money) and do the drilling to convert the inferred (which can be done with very litte money). Elmer said to me at the end of the conversation. "and if Teck doesn't want us.....well boy...have I got a plan!"

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