ldubs's Profile

ldubs's Posts

Re: Volume

SEDI has nothing yet, likely false then

Insider transaction detail - Select issuer

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Issuer name : copper fox metals ( Starts with )
Filing date range : January 1, 2014 - March 6, 2014

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over 10 years ago
cash cost

have a peak at slide 8 people, important new slide about FOREX and net cash cost

As of Feb 20th USD exchange rate alone has brought our net cash cost down 0.11 to 1.04. This has huge impact on Revenue and does NOT factor in the 171MT inferred and improved recoveries.


over 10 years ago
Main Zone Deep Holes

Anyone know where the results are for the 2 deep Main Zone holes?

almost 11 years ago
Re: Material info

It is not the release of results of the cores that needs to be run by Teck. It is the assumptions that go along with those results and their relationship to pit size, extension of resource, etc. You have to remember that Teck is the operator now and CUU can't just dole out speculative projections on NR's related to the SC deposit. It all needs to be combed and filtered.


almost 11 years ago
Re: NPV of 171.2M. tonnes of waste within pit shell

the inferred everybody is basically 4 years of mining !

almost 11 years ago
Re: NPV of 171.2M. tonnes of waste within pit shell

sorry but your copper is way off (to our benfit by the way)

171MT = 427,500 tonnes of copper at 0.25%

That is about 855 MILLION pounds @3.25/pound = $2,778,750,000 !

Stick that in your calcuations....got to get back to work, TGIF


almost 11 years ago
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