Copper Fox Metals Inc.

Welcome To the Copper Fox Metals Inc. HUB On AGORACOM Copper Fox Metals is a Canadian-based resource company focused on developing the world-class Schaft Creek Project in northwestern British Columbia.

This is interesting because if Teck backs in 75% a special commitee must be formed between Teck and CUU for term negotiation of the JV. Does Teck really want to go this route or just take us out. (CUU owning the voting shares during the process)

First Quantum Minerals Delivers Letter to Inmet Warning Against Improper Defensive Tactics


VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Jan. 12, 2013) -First Quantum Minerals Ltd. ("First Quantum") (TSX:FM) (LSE:FQM) today announced that it has delivered the following letter to David Beatty, Chairman of the Board of Inmet Mining Corporation, in response to reports received by First Quantum regarding a proposed sale of a further minority interest in the Cobre Panama project:

"Dear David,

First Quantum published details on 9 January 2012 of its previously announced proposal to create a new force in mining, with a globally significant position in copper, through a merger with Inmet. First Quantum is pleased that Inmet's largest single shareholder, and one with representation on the Inmet Board, has already expressed public support for our proposal. We have also noted Inmet's response to our offer for the Inmet shares (the "Offer"), including the establishment of a Special Committee to examine its merits.

First Quantum has been approached, directly and indirectly through its financial advisors, by a number of shareholders of Inmet who have expressed concern that Inmet is proposing to complete a sale of a further minority interest in the Cobre Panama project. These concerns are apparently based upon discussions with a senior executive officer of Inmet.

As you know, it is a condition of First Quantum's Offer that Inmet and its subsidiaries not take any action which might have the effect of materially diminishing the economic value to First Quantum of the acquisition of Inmet shares or make it inadvisable for First Quantum to proceed with the Offer. We are therefore very concerned that the Special Committee could be contemplating steps which could deprive Inmet shareholders the opportunity to consider our Offer.

You have stated that the Special Committee will advise on the potential risks of receiving First Quantum shares as consideration. It is not obvious how any such risks could be properly evaluated without talking to us. We have offered on numerous occasions to have an open discussion and exchange of information, including through mutual site visits. We submit that such a constructive engagement is the only sensible way to be able to provide the advice you seek to provide to your shareholders.

You have also stated that the Special Committee and its financial advisors will conduct a process to investigate all potential strategic alternatives that may enhance shareholder value, some of which pre-date our Offer. We are troubled that this statement may relate to the sale of an additional minority interest in Cobre Panama, as suggested by the concerns raised with us by your shareholders. First Quantum believes that shareholders of Inmet should be given a real opportunity to decide between our offer and any such "strategic alternative". Indeed, we consider that any attempt to complete such a transaction during the currency of our Offer would be inappropriate in the circumstances and constitute an improper short term defensive tactic in response to our long term strategic proposal. It risks being value destroying, further reducing the flexibility of developing Cobre Panama without in any way diminishing the execution risk.

Inmet has already sold a 20% minority interest in Cobre Panama as well as most of its anticipated precious metals stream. We believe strongly that the net effect of these actions has either been to divert value from Inmet shareholders to others or to reduce Inmet's operational flexibility. In our view, it would be regrettable to contemplate any further initiatives during the currency of our Offer that might have a similar effect.

Now is not the time to take such a step. Even assuming that there is merit in such a strategic alternative, we see no reason that it cannot be deferred until after shareholders have had a proper chance to make their own determination in respect of First Quantum's proposal.

First Quantum encourages the Board of Inmet to embrace the vision that underpins First Quantum's proposal and recognize, as Inmet's largest shareholder has, that it is a very serious "strategic alternative" already available to Inmet. Short term maneuvers are not the right answer. In our view, the correct way forward is to engage in a constructive dialogue with us and to understand the value our proposal has for all shareholders.

We ask that these matters be given appropriate consideration by the Board of Inmet in discharging its fiduciary duties and that the Board publicly confirm that it will not take any such steps which could have the effect of our Offer being withdrawn.

I would be pleased to discuss this or other matters, including First Quantum's continuing desire to work together on a friendly basis with Inmet's management team and directors in an effort to turn First Quantum's vision for a combined entity into a reality, with you at your convenience. In any event, as First Quantum believes that this is a matter of general concern to Inmet's shareholders, a copy of this letter will be publicly disseminated by way of press release.

Yours truly,

(Signed) "Philip Pascall"

Philip Pascall, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

First Quantum Minerals Ltd."

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